Learn how to make money with reprint rights marketing

Reprint/Resale rights give you the opportunity to sell someone elses product & you keep 100% of the profits. This of course is done for a once off fee. This is a great way to get started when building a web site or starting a mail order business from home.
Generally products to sell can be audios, DVDs, videos, software, manuals, ebooks, a website or even a combination of everything mentioned.
When purchasing reprint rights, make sure you have at least a proven sales letter that accompanies the product. The marketing information is just as important as the product.
Another consideration is to truly believe in the product before you sell it. I personally own every manual, audio & video that we sell here on the site. Not only that, but I have read, listened & watched all of the products, & I whole hearty recommend them.
Make sure you get a signed certificate when you buy the rights & also find out whether you have the ability to sell everywhere. Some products you may only sell offline in your country. Where as others will let you sell on the internet, in magazines, do joint ventures & to your own database. These are important considerations.
Make sure you know the difference between Master rights, reprint rights & resale rights.
Master Rights give you the ability to sell the reprint rights to other people. You may also to sell the product direct to the end user. Master rights are always the most expensive rights to purchase. If you create your own manual, audio or video then you automatically have the master rights for that product. The only catch is you will have to get some killer marketing material made up for you to sell the reprint rights & directly to the end user.
Another idea to consider, if you have made your own product is to sell the Master rights to other people who want to sell the reprint rights.
Make No Mistake this where the money is.. Selling to other people who want to make money.
Reprint/Resale Rights let you sell only to the end user & you keep 100% of the profits. You cannot sell the reprint rights on.
When buying resale rights make sure you have marketing materials to go with them. You dont want something with out the Marketing materials this is VITAL. Also you dont want to have 1000 people selling the same product so make sure you can change the headline & offer a couple of extra bonuses as part of your campaign. This will give what you are selling its own edge.
You can also obtain limited rights where there maybe only 200 people allowed to sell the information, this is rare but most desirable.
Partial Resell rights give you the right to sell at a wholesale/retail arrangement. You may keep a certain percentage of the profits. This is to be determined between you the owner of the product. This quite often is a great way to get started as you can often, but not always, acquire those rights for little or no money down. Do not forget the sales materials! They are vital to your success. This also can be done through selling through an affiliate link.
Rebranding rights Gives you the rights to put your own details and affiliate links into the ebooks. This can help you create your own viral marketing machine.
If you are looking for some reprint rights, click here to read about our reprint - business in a box, packages. If you have any stories regarding success in reprint rights, we would love to publish them here on an upcoming success page, to give other people hope.
My 3 Main tips for Resale Rights Success:
1). Change the Headline. Make sure the product you have purchased to sell stands out from the crowd. You dont want your products to look the same as the others.
2). Add your own bonuses to the sale of the product. This also give you a slight edge. You can customize your own report with your own affiliate links or links to other sites you own.
3). Use off line Marketing in your Marketing. So often people buy rights and they totally neglect traditional marketing in their campaigns. Dont you fall in this trap. If you do you will be leaving money on the table.

By Andrew Clacy
http://www.resalerightssuccess.com offers information about making money with reprint and resale rights.