Less Is Better

Do you ever wake up in the morning and feel like
biting the heads off nails? My dad got up every
morning with a big smile and some encouraging
words. This was every day, seven days a week,
fifty two weeks a year.

One morning I asked him how he could possibly be
in such a good mood every morning. His response
was " It takes just as much energy to be pleasant
as it does to be grumpy."

I have tried to use that formula in my life and
90% of the time, I carry it off.

This morning however is one that has been very
difficult to practice that policy. I am normally
an early riser. This morning was no different.

I fired up my computer and after getting online,
I started bringing in my mail as I usually do. I
went to do my other morning chores, starting a
fire, putting on my wife's water for tea,
pampering the cat, all of the normal things.

I returned to find an unusually large number of
emails. I started browsing through them to find
that I had at least fifty copies of the same offer.

Now don't get me wrong, I think traffic generating
programs are great. I also think Mark Joyner is a
bright young man with some good ideas. I am also
sure that his latest brainstorm will also bring
him a great deal of publicity.

If you possibly escaped the email barrage
announcing his latest venture, it is a website
pop-under program. There are already a few of them
around. but Mark has added a new wrinkle or two.

My problem is not with the ingenuity of the
program. I enjoy seeing people come up with new
twists to programs that already exist. My problem
is the direction that marketing is taking.

There are now pop-ups, pop-under, exit programs
and some other things that I am not sure even have

I visited a site yesterday that greeted me with a
pop-up when I arrived. I went to check out another
page on the same site and saw the flash as I
exited the page, the first pop-under. I was
greeted by a pop-up on the second page of the
website as well.

Even though I wanted more information about what
the person was offering, I left. I was greeted by
another pop-up which I assume came from some kind
of exit exchange program. When I deleted this page
I saw another flash indicating another pop-under
from the person's website that I had been
redirected to through the exit exchange.

Confused? It's beyond confusion. I want traffic
as much as anyone else but the direction of
marketing is quite irritating to be honest.

Will Mark Joyner's new pop-under program be a
success? Probably. Will there be mass numbers
using it? If my email this morning is any
indication, yes.

When pop-ups first came on the scene, people
talked about how irritating they were. Yet, they
have proved to be a very effective marketing tool.
I was a sceptic for quite a while but when I
finally caved and started using one, the results
were amazing.

Though I don't use one, I have talked to many who
use the exit exchanges with great success as well.
I am sure the pop-under pages will be no different.

I do think that some are pushing the envelope too
far. Using one of these tools can prove to be
quite effective but I think people will tire of
the websites that have multiple windows popping up.

Which type of program is most effective? I have no
idea. Should you be using one or more of these
traffic programs? I think they probably all have
their up side but this is one of those situations
where I think less is better.

About the Author

Raymond Johnston Jr is the publisher of Money For Hire Ezine which provides fresh content from some of the top marketing experts. You can subscribe by sending an email to
mailto:moneyforhire@rapidreply.net You can get his latest marketing course "Advertising Today" by sending an email to