by: Charlie Cook
Have you ever sent out a sales letter and received little or no response, or put up a web site and found hardly anyone visiting it. Have you worked hard on an article only to find that few people read it and even fewer contacted you as a result?
Let's be honest; everyone makes mistakes. The difference between the winners and the losers in business is that winners recognize their mistakes and avoid making the same blunder again. Each time you can recognize a marketing mistake and correct it your marketing will be that much better.
Marketing experts got that way by working full time at making more marketing mistakes than you can imagine and then learning from them. Common marketing missteps include:
If you've made any of the above marketing mistakes, you're not alone. But if you want to grow your business, don't repeat these blunders again and again. If you're not getting the results you want, look for a new strategy, modify your tactics and change your materials.
Strategy - Base your marketing on a clear set of principles. Have a clearly defined strategy and marketing plan. Use approaches that work for independent professionals and small business.
Tactics - Plan your marketing so its organized and individual efforts are additive and contribute to building your business.
Materials - Make sure individual marketing pieces resonate with your target market, get their attention and move them to the action you want them to take.
Fix your marketing tactics and materials by testing ideas, keeping the ones that work and throwing out the ones that don't. If you self published a book, but its not flying off the shelves, identify the variables that could be affecting sales.
It may be the book's title, the sales letter, or the price and bonus offers. Pick one of these and make some changes. Test a different title, rewrite your sales letter, or the price and bonus offers and see what happens.
Depending on your timeline and goals, you may want to avoid making all the marketing mistakes on your own, and get expert advice from someone who has made or seen most of the mistakes before.
In the process of growing your business you're bound to make marketing missteps. The more you make, identify and learn from the faster your marketing will improve and the more clients you will attract.
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