List Marketing - Respond to Your Prospect's Emails to Build a Relationship and Create Raving Fans

Responding to your prospects' emails is another way of connecting with them on a deeper level. We can probably all remember when we were brand now to online marketing and needed help with some of the smallest things.

I know that it would have been extremely valuable to me to have someone I could have asked a question and received a reply. Instead, days went by before I could move on. Be the person the people on your list can write to with their questions and you will build a list of loyal and raving fans. You need to establish this as part of your business model from the very beginning, because we are not expecting anyone to be open to receiving emails from us. By telling your list to hit the replay button and tell you what's on their mind, you are opening yourself up to taking your relationship to a whole new level.

Imagine your list feeling like you are the one to ask before they make a purchase or other major decision for their business. I believe this can also be enhanced through teleseminars. I still over a free call each month for people to ask me anything they want or need to know. During those calls I answer all questions, give advice, and recommend my own and affiliate products and services.

When people hear our voice they feel like they know us, and this gives us the opportunity to connect with them. It's all about the relationship, so build that relationship with your list through your emails and teleseminars. You must also have a strategy for connecting with your list by responding to their emails. I like to establish some rapport by asking them more about their niche and what they do online. I then answer their questions with specific details.

After that I am more likely to recommend a product or service to them, or to tell them more about my own coaching program. This may take a day or two and several emails back and forth, but it is worth it in terms of building a long term relationship that will be beneficial for both of us. Although this technique is not scalable as you build your list and you get busy, it is still an excellent way to reach out to your prospects during your first two years online. Some of the people I now work with in joint ventures were those I connected with in this way over the past few years.

From writing back and forth I came to know more about them than I could have otherwise. How someone does one thing is how they do anything, so respond to those emails and see what happens in your Internet business.