Make a Postcard from your Home Page

You know how difficult it is to drive traffic to your site. The sheer
numbers of websites make it all too easy to get lost in the crowd. Search
engines are becoming less effective at keyword searches, banner advertising
has a lower clickthrough rate than it once had.....

One solution to the traffic problem is offline advertising. Big names like are already promoting their site through commercial ads on
national television networks

Those of us without deep pockets might do well to look for more affordable
methods of offline advertising such as postcards containing a picture of
your web site and a custom message. Let's call them "Netposts."

Here are just some of the ways that you might use Netposts.

Mail them to clients in thanks for business.

Send them business contacts in lieu of Christmas or other seasonal cards.

Distribute them at networking groups and trade shows.

Leave them in selected locations instead of brochures. For example, if
your site is selling pet care products, publish some articles on pet care on
your web site, then ask animal hospitals and veterinarian clinics if they
will display your netposts.

Send them out to potential customers before you make that cold call.
Since the cards are colourful, attractive and easy to handle, they are more
likely to be kept on display than a letter or even a brochure.

Mail them to your customers to announce special deals, sales or other
corporate news.

You can make your own netposts if you have the equipment, software and skill
to use both effectively.

You will need a graphics software program (i.e. PaintShop Pro, PhotoShop),
a desktop publishing program (i.e. PageMaker, CorelDraw, MS Word), and
sheets of blank postcards such as those sold by Avery ( You
will also need access to a good quality color printer. Desktop bubble jets
can work quite well when budgets are tight, but do not expect the same
quality printing as you would from an offset printer.

Here is what you do:

1. Take a screen capture of your Web site. PC users, press the Print
Screen button on your keyboard. Mac users, your instruction manual will tell
you a keyboard command to use. A screen capture will save an image of your
screen on the clipboard if you are using Windows, and on the desktop if you
are using the Mac.

2. Open your graphics software application. Mac users, open the image that
appeared on your desktop when you did the screen capture. PC users, open a
new file then paste your clipboard contents onto the new file. (To paste, PC
users use the keyboard command of Control V). Voila! You now have a graphic
image of your home page. Edit and resize as desired.

3. Using a sheet of Avery postcards as your guide, lay out a postcard page
in your desktop publishing program. Use your creativity to add text or other
images if wanted.

4. Design a back page for your postcards, including your return address and
any other message you require. You can also add recipients' addresses.

5. Print your front page onto your Avery postcards, using any good quality

Then, turn the postcards over, being careful to match upsides; and print
the back page

There you have it. Your own do-it-yourself netposts!

About the Author

June Campbell, "How-to" Booklets, Guides, Templates, & eBooks
-Business proposals
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