Greeting cards are a great way to raise some funds this holiday season. Whether it is for your business, or maybe special community projects, it is easy for anyone to print greeting cards that will sell effectively. However, before you go ahead with printing greeting cards, you may want to know how to precisely design your greeting cards so that more people will buy them. Let me give you a few important tips that should easily attract more potential buyers to pay attention to your custom greeting cards and hopefully buy a bunch of them as well.
A unique image twist.
At this point, most greeting cards may look the same. With all the standard templates and copying going on with greeting card designs, most greeting card buyers are just faced with choosing the best among the common cards they encounter. If you want to really get those people to buy your color greeting cards though, you might want to try adding a unique image twist.
Sometimes, it pays to be experimental with your greeting cards and add a twist to your main cover image. Instead of the traditional images and symbols, you might want to try to revamp all of those and try something new. You might want to adopt a new style or art genre for the greeting card covers, or maybe you can try just using whole new symbols in place of traditional ones. As long as it is fresh and not yet seen before, you should be able to get more people interested in buying those custom greeting cards.
An original and powerful quotation or message.
If you look at most hallmark cards today, you will typically see very canned and common messages. If you are sending greeting cards to older people, most of these messages are just boring and derivative. That is why it is important that you steer clear of these messages and develop original and powerful quotations. You will need to really explore your skills in writing to really attract people into sending your special and original greeting card messages. I know this might be hard, but believe me, if you try to push the limits of your writing and produce something great, the rewards for your greeting cards will be amazing.
Unique design elements.
On the basic side of things, your color greeting cards will also require some unique design elements to make it more appealing to greeting card buyers. Beyond just using a new image and font style, you will have to add really eye-catching elements to get people interested. Adding holes, embossing, layers, special materials and even embedding materials can have a great and unique twist in your greeting card design. As long as these unique elements are created tastefully, you should get more attention and more buyers to your custom greeting cards.
Extra special packaging.
Finally, it all boils down to packaging really. With most greeting cards looking all the same for most people, having that extra special packaging on yours can be the clincher that convinces people to buy your color greeting cards. Adding a ribbon or even an impressive plastic cover can sometimes be enough for more people to buy yours in more numerous amounts when compared to the less protected and boring looking others. So if you have the resources try to add all that extra special packaging when it applies.
That is how you get people to buy your custom greeting cards. Make sure you take note of these and try them out in your own batch.
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