We all have a dream. Maybe that dream is to find spiritual
contentment, or maybe that dream is to have a healthy, happy
family. Maybe that dream is just having enough time to play all
the golf you want. Whatever dreams we have, they help dictate who
we are and how we act especially when it comes to buying.
The most successful salespeople are the ones who become "Dream-
Brokers" for their customers that is, they understand what
their customers desire, and find a way to help them achieve it.
Business opportunities are a perfect example of how this works.
The business opportunities that are the most appealing are the
ones that not only talk about the money that it can generate, but
show how this fits into a customer's dreams.
This process starts with the "research" stage before you even
begin marketing, you need to take some time to understand your
audience. What is it that they want? What are their desires and
values? The answers to these questions will help you choose the
best way to present your offer or product.
Then, as you create your marketing, focus on these desires in
your writing. Remember that, for most people, money is just a
MEANS for getting something else, not an END in itself. If you
can show how your offer will help the customer get what he or she
REALLY wants, you will have a much better chance for a sale. It's
amazing how many times I've seen marketing that focused just on
the money, rather than going deeper.
Also, you can help the customer reach their dreams in stages. For
instance, we all know that no business opportunity out there will
really make you $1,000,000 in the first 15 minutes financial
success takes some time. However, you can give your customers a
"taste" of their dreams to come that's why giving away "Free
Vacation" Certificates have become such a powerful incentive in
business. They give customers a little bit of their dreams (after
all, the desire to travel is a common dream for most of us). The
added appeal of an inexpensive incentive like this can go a long
way in creating more sales and larger profits for your business.
The important thing to remember here is that we are the most
successful when we actually help our customers achieve their
goals and desires, rather than just cashing in on them. As I said
before, we all have dreams, and one that we should all have is to
feel the satisfaction of helping other people see their dreams
come true.
About the Author
Evan Fisher specializes in helping businesses find the
marketing and promotion tools they need to survive. To find out
more about some of the special opportunities that he has
discovered (and that YOU can profit from!), just visit
http://www.marketingpromo.com/cgi-bin/af/b.cgi/1437. Evan can be
reached at mailto:sailing57@juno.com.