Making Money With Niche Products

This is a basic guide to help you make money with niche

And to make this very easy let’s sell a digital or
information product in any ‘niche market’ of your choice. OK
let’s get started.

First we need to find a product to sell and there are a
number of different ways to do this. You could join a
monthly club that creates niche products. This is exactly
what I do with ‘Nicheology’. Jimmy D. Brown and Ryan Deiss
have done an excellent job with this. The only problem is
it’s very hard to get into because they have a limited
number of members they let in (1500).

Another way is to buy resale rights to niche products.

And of course you could create your own niche products or
have a ghostwriter do it for you.

After you have your niche product you will need a domain
name. Try to think of a few different names because your
first choices may not be available. Choose a short name and
it will be easier for people to remember. If possible get a
domain name ending with (.com) You should also try to get a
name to match your product. And maybe use keywords in your
domain name to get a better listing on search engines.

And you will need a hosting company. The purpose of hosting
company is to keep your website running properly. They will
make sure everything is working properly so your customers
can navigate through it and buy your product or service. So
this is a very important responsibility. You may find some
free hosting companies, but you really do get what you pay
for. So it may be better to use a paid hosting company.

Also when you start promoting and selling some of these
services you can make some extra money too.

You’ll need an autoresponder to send out emails
automatically. You can automate a lot of your every day
business tasks leaving more time for you to concentrate on
more important things like marketing and promoting your
products. With an autoresponder you can send out email
advertisements to everyone on your list at predetermined
intervals, automate the delivery of several different mini
courses all at once, send out sequential emails
automatically whenever someone buys one of your products,
have all of your digital products sent out automatically and
collect names and email addresses and add them to your list
of customers and much, much more.

To collect money for your products you will need a payment
processor. Make sure that you accept credit cards because
most transactions will be made with them. But you should
also consider other options as well, like accepting checks
and money orders. And you may want to use PayPal and
ClickBank. The more ways you can collect money the more
sales you’ll make.

Now let’s get to the good part.

What I like to do is create a free report that I can give
away on my website. And inside this free report are links
back to the niche product I’m selling.

Now you will have to create sales letters/websites to
promote your products. I like to use Microsoft Word and
Dreamweaver. If you don’t have any experience in this area
then make sure you read my free report at to get a jump start on your

You’ll also have to create some download pages but it’ll be
easy with a little practice.

Now once your websites are set up then you will want to send
as much targeted traffic to your free report website as
possible. Then everyone can download your valuable
information and once they start reading it they will want to
rush out and buy your main product.

Now there are lots of ways to get traffic to your websites
and you'll want to use as many as you can. You can use Pay
Per Click ads with the search engines, put ads in ezines,
buy banner ads on other sites, use classified ads online and
offline, when you sell something on an auction site have a
link on your about me page, links from other sites, try to
get high listings on search engines, set up joint ventures,
buy guaranteed visitors, and write articles. More traffic
equals more sales.

Try to get as much traffic as you can – but never spam. You
will get into a lot of trouble and your reputation will be
tarnished. So never send emails to anyone unless you have
their permission.

To help increase sales make sure your websites include the
following information: a limited time offer, testimonials,
bonuses, and a strong guarantee.

After you get everything in place and you are getting
traffic you will want to test a lot of different things to
try to improve your sales as much as possible.

Then you’ll be ready to pick another niche product and set
it up the same way. It should be a lot easier and faster
with the second product. And keep adding more products.
You’ll want to cross promote your products to make even more

So that’s the basics and of course the more you can learn
about writing good sales pages and writing killer headlines
and learning different marketing techniques then the more
sales you’ll make. So try to spend some time everyday to
learn and improve your internet skills.

Duane Marx
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About the Author

Duane Marx has written several articles about internet marketing.
For more internet marketing resources
and free marketing tips please visit: