Pick up the stack of mail that you receive in the mail today.
How much of it do you consider “junk” mail? Do you stand over
the wastebasket and take the “he loves me, he loves me not”
approach to it tossing about every third piece in the trash
without even opening it.
For the next week, rather than tossing that junk in the trash,
hang on to it for evaluation purposes after reading this article.
After tossing out what you have considered to be junk mail, do you
still have stuff that you’ve opened but goes immediately to the
trash without reading it? Ok, for this same next week set that
stuff in another pile.
Now after putting all the other mail in its proper queue lets see
what’s left. You now may have some mail left that needs your
attention but not in terms of paying a bill, answering a client
or depositing that customer check.
What is it? It is mail that perks your interest to build your business,
give you a new perspective on success or makes an offer you just can’t
pass up. How did this mail bypass the garbage?
First of all 99.9% of it was in an envelope personally addressed to you with
a real stamp or it was someone or a company that is of interest to you. The
mere presentation could have been the key to your opening it. Examine this
very carefully to see why you decided to open it and if you would take any
on it. Go back and evaluate the other batches of mail that you've saved.
what makes you immediately discard it.
Now, when developing your direct mail advertising consider what you’ve just
learned about yourself and keep in mind that 99% of others do the same
About the Author
Marsha Kopan, IVAA CVA
Executive Secretarial Services