Marketing Strategies For Now!

Never, I swear to you, never did I think, antipathetic as I
am to all things reeking of MLM, that I'd ever share this with you.
And yet success principles simply are. Here are the marketing
strategies that took Amway (to think I'd even mention that word!) to
international market penetration.

What works, works. Strategies and models that let a kitchen
table vision rise to world-wide success are worthy of our study.
Here are the 7 actions that worked for (ugh) Amway. And they can
work for you.

1. Sell the dream. When you target decision-makers who can
hire you, paint a glowing word picture of the array of benefits
awaiting the organization, the decision-maker, and the audience.
Lay it on with a trowel. Make the most of all the truth you've got.
Speak of the joy and gratification, the recognition and professional
growth awaiting the decision-maker as an outcome of choosing you to
speak or train. Place the decision-maker in the picture. "Imagine
how you'll feel when..." "Visualize your next Performance
Evaluation after you recognize me as the ideal person to add value to
your conference now..."

If the fates allow you to be in direct touch with the CEO or
EVP, focus on how your intervention will yield outcomes that delight
the shareholders, the Board Chair. Delineate how your actions
produce more productivity, more profits, greater market penetration,
higher market share, better positioning for a brand, etc.

When you stand before your audience, do this: Share a vivid
view, an exciting promise of the spectrum of results they create for
themselves personally when they abide by your recommendations.

2. Offer residual benefits, long-term benefits, if possible.
Does the reputation they establish through using your ideas live on
for many years or decades? Tell them so! Is a passive income
stream generated, maybe a bigger retirement cash-flow? Tell them.
Think this through. Tell each level the ongoing benefits of the

3. Offer a System and tools. People love systems. This is
why franchises do so well. There's a system in place. There's a
road map, a blueprint. There's a proven way to create desired
outcomes. There's peace of mind. There's safety.

4. Pre-handle problems. Tell them what to expect. Provide
remedies in advance. Empower them to use those remedies. Most of
all be clear that they are accountable for their actions and for what
those actions yield.

5. Build win-win relationships. Tell them how much you care.
Prove it. Live your caring. Model what caring is. Provide access
to you or to your surrogates. When problems arise, celebrate the
opportunity. Translate the problems into challenges. View them as
opportunities to serve.

6. Work your butt off. Is that too colloquial for you?
Dedicate your time and energy to the delivery of value. Then more
value. Then more yet. Apply yourself diligently and relentless to
your tasks. Do more than is expected, more than is required, more
than anyone in their right mind would do.

7. Surrender to your purpose. This one is from me. Surrender
is the price you pay for the success you want. It always works.
Give yourself wholly to the outcomes you desire. Ultimately all
obstacles level off. They transmute into pathways to the attainment
of your desires.

Here's a little secret. Surrender involves love. Love
your work. When you love something enough it reveals all its secrets
to you. Test this thesis. Test it on some current project. Test
it on a speech, a seminar, a workshop. Pretend your client is
paying you 10 times as much to present this program. Then act to
deliver 10 times the value. And watch what happens.

About the Author

Burt Dubin, a 20 year veteran of the business of speaking, coaches and mentors speakers and wanna-be's world-wide. For samples of his wisdom, simply go to his web-site, or e-mail Burt at Down-load some of the 20 FREE articles and 26 FREE newsletters. 1 Speaking Success Road, Kingman, Arizona 86402-6543, USA. Phone 1-800-321-1225. Fax 928-753-7554.
E-mail Burt at: