As an internet marketer, you have chosen a product or service and believe that it is unique and one-of-a-kind. You’ve surfed other sites and while some products offer similar features, there does not seem to be any that has all the wonderful aspects yours has. You begin marketing and wait. There are a few “tire kickers” but no serious buyers. You have all the internet features, the pop-up ads, the pop-under advertisements, a newsletter, and autoresponders. What can you do to get the product in motion and selling?
If you truly believe that you are giving great value, at a reasonable price, and you are willing to back-up whatever you say about it, then you are definitely on the right track. There is an old saying, “If you build a better mousetrap...” What this old adage was trying to impress on people was that it takes stick-to-it abilities as well as a great product, and market finesse. In other words, you are in this for the long haul. Its a great idea, and the hype in your advertising is just your enthusiasm showing. You are, in essence, doing everything right. Now comes the hardest part of internet marketing. You have to wait for word to get around and for surfers and other online participants to get wind of your product/service, and they will. God didn’t build the world in one day, why do you feel you can create an internet empire in less than that?
If you keep your information up to date, change the content regularly, be punctual with your offered newsletter, and get as much free advertising as you can, you will get people to beat a path to your site. You can contact other sites and trade links, or you can try FFA
links. Sign up for newsletters or updates from sites similar to yours and see what they are doing. Check out marketing sites from proven leaders in the field and get some great tips and suggestions. When you surf and you come upon a site that might have a similar audience, ask the webmaster if he/she would like to trade ads. Be creative in your search for ways to get the word out and let as many people know about your product/service as you can. Get articles from on-line authors that you like or enjoy their writing, and include these in your newsletters or on your site. Use some great clip-art and unique features. Join announce lists or e-zine directories. Many of these are free and can provide a wide-range of readership. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to get started in marketing a product. Good common sense, and innovative ways that come from your creative side will get the news out.
One thing you must stay away from is the giving-up attitude. The rains will come, but they make the flowers grow. Rainbows follow and internet success is in that pot of gold. If you close shop, it may be that opportunity was just about to knock and you weren’t there to answer the door. You will never know but someone else will reap the rewards of your hard work and enthusiasm. In the lull, seek out additional products or services that can be added to your inventory and work on these new features. If you give up, you end it right there. There is no tomorrow and there is no “what if”. The door is chained and locked and only you had the key. Leave the door open, roll out the red carpet, and remember that mousetrap adage.
©Arleen M. Kaptur 2002 July
About the Author
Arleen M. Kaptur has written numerous articles, books (fiction/non-fiction)