Need to Get My Attention Try This!

Then you might want to pay attention to what I learned this

I learned, for about the zillionth time in my life, that I
am "average". Oh, how I hate to fit in that category. But,
if you are a publisher or writer, you are probably trying to
reach Mr. or Ms. Average.

I got lumped into "average" this time because I don't read
your ezine. Nope, I really don't.

I get hundreds of ezines a week. And I have a life! I
actually feel much better about myself having learned that
the average email reader "reads" just as I do.

The average reader just scans your ezine or wonderful
article looking for something of interest to him or her.

I know a lot of us put hard work in to what we write so it
makes me feel bad that I have this habit. But, considering
the volume of emails I receive in a day, it's a matter of
self preservation for me.

In order to assuage my guilt trip and do my penance, I wrote
this article to tell you what slows MY warp speed scan down
to click speed.

1. White space. Lots of white space gives my eyes a

chance to refocus again. When I see line after

line of type, the old brain just really seems to shift

into high gear. Short sentences. Short


2. Headlines. Especially bold, concise headlines

that sum up the paragraph to follow.

3. My name. Those of you that already use these

nifty software programs that insert my first name every

so often must know how well this works. It's kinda

like the ol' brain says "Hey, they must have

written this just for me. I'd better read it!"

4. Bulleted or numbered lists. You are giving me a

list of all the wonderful benefits of your great

product or how to get from "A" to "B" step by

step. Please use a bulleted or numbered list. It is

easy for me to scan your list and see if it pertains

to my interests.

5. Emoticons. Yep, those cute little pictures that

tell me you just made a funny :o) or maybe you

are pulling my leg a bit ;-). Even the ones that

tell me you are mad as heck about this :^(. They all

draw my eye.

I hope these little hints will help you catch not only my
attention but also all my "Average" kinfolk out there.

About the Author

Wonder Wyant is a retired carny and the editor of "Geeks,
Freaks and Bamboozles", a free ezine about both the
carnival she retired from and the one she retired to.
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