Networking 10 ways to do it better

Networking - 10 ways to do it better

"It's not what you know but who you know that counts"

Getting ahead in this world still relies heavily on the truth of the saying "It's not what you know but who you know that counts". Making the right contacts or networking is a vital element in a person's success. Here are ten ways to improve your own "networking" with others:

1. Never leave home without a supply of business cards - and don't be afraid to ask another person for his or her card!

2. Don't stay on the sidelines at professional functions. Mingle!

3. Carry something in your hands - a book, a brochure, a tape, even a cup of coffee - this will make you feel less self conscious.

4. Do not "sell" while you're "networking". It's your goal to meet people, not close a business deal.

5. Attend "networking" functions with a friend who can introduce you to others in attendance.

6. Dress for the occasion.

7. Ask questions; you'll make a better impression than if you keep the entire conversation focused on yourself and all you've done.

8. Follow up with a "nice to meet you" note which is also a good opportunity to enclose another business card, brochure, sales literature, or even a newsletter if it will give someone a better idea of your abilities.

9. Keep a contact file. This will allow you to call on people from time to time as necessary. Under their details, keep a note of any pieces of personal details they may have mentioned i.e. spouses and/or children's names.

10. Make referrals; your new contact will remember you for it!

"Networking" can work to your advantage for many months - even years - to come. Who knows? A casual acquaintance you make today may be vital to your success tomorrow. Just remember that when the opportunities arise, be yourself, show a genuine interest in the people you meet, and follow up leads! You'll never regret having made the effort.

About the Author

Roy Bartell shares with you access to the # 1 method of quickly
earning profits of the internet and how you can build your on
guaranteed monthly income. This plan works for anyone.