Online Advertising and Sales

You know that it's not easy to make an on-line sale, regardless of how many visitors
your site gets.

There are thousands of web sites getting thousands of visits (through website
promotion and website advertising) to their websites every week without making a

The cause of the problem can be attributed to several possible reasons:

a) Your web site needs a professional look.
b) You're targeting the wrong audience.
c) Your product or service is too expensive, too cheap or worst, it can be found
elsewhere for free!
d) You have unrealistic expectations and need to take a scientific approach to

The industry average visitor to customer conversion rate is about 1% (only if
everything else – web design, sales copy, product, prices, etc – is perfect)!

a) If you don't want to spend money on web design, use a professional web site
b) Avoid Strategies that don't send Targeted Website Traffic. Untargeted visitors have
no interest in spending money with you.
c) Day after day you must be doing something to let your prospects know your web
site is there and offers something they need.
d) Focus your efforts on advertising strategies that have stood the test of time and
continue to work.

About the Author

John Iacovakis is an Internet consultant and has over 10 years of marketing
experience. He is the owner of CreativeNet Online Advertising.
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