Online Marketing, Attracting The Right Kind of Attention

Attracting The Right Kind of Attention

By Barrett Niehus

If you have spent time on the internet trying to promote your web
site, you have realized that it takes a great deal of work to
maintain a constant level of traffic. From search engine submissions
to awards and affiliates, promoting your web site takes a significant
time investment. As a result you spend hours each day trying to get
your traffic numbers to climb. However, the question must be asked:
Does the increase in traffic result in a proportional increase in
sales? As many "Dot Coms" have seen in the past two years, traffic
does not necessarily equal profit. You must target your audience and
sell to the groups that are most likely to see value and purchase
your products.

Unless your product is needed, purchased and used by every man, woman
and child on the planet, you must determine exactly who your
customers are. With a bit of research you should be able to
accurately define the age bracket, socio-economic status, gender,
race, and religion that typically purchase your products. Armed with
this information, you can double your sales without having to
increase the time you spend promoting your site. Instead of
sending out general announcements in chat rooms, or bulk emailing,
you can find ways to accurately target the people who will use your
products. With knowledge about the demographic group that you serve,
it should be easy to find associations, facilities, clubs and
businesses that also serve this group. Find these groups, generate
relationships, and use their resources to boost your traffic.

By finding which related products and services your customers use,
you can generate relationships to leverage these demands. If your
demographic is generally buys a specific product that is
complimentary to yours, you may consider approaching the manufacturer
of that product for some cooperative advertising. If your customers
generally require a specific certification or type of training, you
may approach the education institutions for cooperative
advertising. You may also consider renting member contact
information from these groups. Once again, by generating a
relationship with the groups that have direct access to your
customers, you can increase your sales without having to spend more
time online.

Regardless of the way that you promote your site it will take a
commitment of time to make it profitable. It will take an effort
both in and out of cyberspace. However, by directly targeting your
customers, you will be able to create income and profit without
spending a fortune attracting traffic. Target the people that buy
your product. Focus your resources on these people, and stop wasting
time trying to get everyone on the planet to view your website.
Financial success comes from marketing to people who will purchase
your product.

IP Ware, Create Continual Income Streams From Real Estate

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IP Ware, Create Continual Income Streams From Real Estate