Online Promotion Beats Traditional Seven-One (Part 2)

Online Promotion Beats Traditional Seven-One (Part 2)

 by: Judy Cullins

Online Marketing Can Produce 7 times your Profit in Just Five Months

Now that you see the limitations of traditional book marketing, such as speaking to groups and press releases, you may be ready to increase your book sales seven fold by submitting how-to articles to online ezines where thousands a day will see your message and visit your book-selling site.

Rather than a shot gun approach, I suggest you use this one favorite and highly successful Online marketing technique. This one approach increased my own second Web site sales more than 7 times in five months, from $75 in August to $2265 in December. In 2002, the sales soared to $3000 a month. Today my sales are consistent and bring in one half of my online income. And, this is just the beginning!

Whether you have a Web site or not, you can apply your writing ability to produce short information-packed articles to submit to hundreds of Online ezines, whose readership of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, will read some of your articles you submit. These online small business people want to know more about your subject, whether it be how to raise parrots, or how to write a book, or how to write a Web site with marketing pizzazz.

Since you will include your signature box at the end of each article with your book title, your email address, free offer, and benefit statement, people can get in touch with you and possibly become buyers. After reading seven or so articles readers are likely to buy.

From my own first week's experience after subscribing to several opt-in ezines such as:,,,,

I got ten or so responses from other publishers and Web site owners asking to post my ezines in their format. Talk about exciting. My ezine subscribers to "The Book Coach Says..." increased ten to fifteen after each article submission.

You can also submit your how-to articles and tips to top Web sites who want your material.

These articles help promote your business services too. If you are a coach, consultant, professional speaker or other small business person this method helps attract more clients than you ever dreamed of. From my own experience, my clients doubled to 14 in just one month.

When you have written a well-constructed article, giving real information and how-tos, you will attract these potential buyers and clients who will eventually end up on the Web sites where you sell your books.

Getting Started

First, create five to ten articles from 500-900 words, possibly excerpted from your book, or how-to's on your subject. Write several articles and submit one or so a week. I started submitting to only five ePublishers of the opt-in ezines. Even in the first week, several publishers used my article "Sell More Books with a Powerful Back Cover." At the end of the article, I put a link to a product "How to Get Testimonials from the Rich and Famous" in my signature box, bringing increased sales.

Join the Online Revolution by subscribing to several opt-in ezines. As soon as you subscribe, you'll receive one or more articles a day. Take time to read some of these articles to educate yourself about all topics that will boost your business success. See what format and content they use.

This Online business marketing research is gold, because you will now be able to model your articles after successfully published ones. Now just start submitting so thousands can learn from you too.

Invest in Some Promotion Time

While we need promotion, how much time do we actually put into it? At first I had a learning curve that took me 12 hours a week. I learned from a techie assistant I hired from a local high school. Now my assistant does most of this work and I spend only 5-7 hours a week creating the articles she submits.

The usual promotion investment for big results is 90% of your time. With Online, it's far less, and you'll even have time for a long-needed vacation to some Caribbean island.

For Online promotion you will want to check resources on how to write a publishable article and other tips to make publishers accept them. Check out a book coach, read writing ezines, and take a teleclass such as "Promote your Business and Books with Free Articles."

Online Promoting is Easy, Convenient, and Profitable

Better than press releases, book reviews or book signings, you can create and promote articles conveniently right from your office or home. Give this a method a chance. You'll only be sorry you didn't do it sooner!