This article reviews the essentials of conducting a great Overture ad campaign: the many advantages of good advertising
where to advertise on a small budget
the basic composition of an ad
how to make your ads stand out
how to write an ad
the purpose of a headline
a list of successful headlines
how to deal with the professional ethic of “I shall not advertise”
Advantages of good advertising
Good advertising has many advantages. Whether it's newspaper, television, or radio advertising is a high-risk/high-profit potential activity.
Advertising in whole or in part constitutes one vehicle by which your company is driven (pun intended), and it is fueled by responses and sales to your efforts. For most businesses, advertising represents a necessary cost of doing business. For successful businesses, advertising represents a golden opportunity to reach your customer base and effect sales from them. The potential of advertising is outrageous, and it does come at a cost of resources, both in people and capital.
Where should I advertise on my small budget?
I understand that "where" is a vital part of the targeting process, which can affect results tremendously. "Where" also dictates how your ad should be presented... short and full of urgency for radio... or long, information-packed, riveting copy if it's to be a direct-mail shot.
To identify where you should advertise, and which media would be most effective, try to determine a profile of your ideal customers. Research demographics and psychographics to determine where they live, what other products they buy, what their level of affluence is, what their fears and frustrations are, and so on.
You can then wisely select media to reach that audience. Do many of them commute to work? Then buy a drive-time radio ad. Do they read magazines? Do they read a community newspaper?
For the small budget, be creative and innovative in your approach. Send out press releases with a hard news angle. Instead of paying for radio air-time, approach the program director and ask to be on a talk show (more on this later in this section).
The basic composition of an ad.
There are five basic concepts to remember when writing a good advertisement:
1) Command attention
2) Show people the advantage of using your product or service
3) Prove that what you are advertising has that advantage
4) Persuade people to grasp that advantage
5) Make a call to action
Command attention
The most important purpose of a headline is to entice the reader to start reading the copy of the ad. The copy must get read if the ad is going to pull great results. Your headline must attract instantaneous and immediate attention. There are two types of headlines that seem to work best:
1) Headlines that convey how the reader can save, gain, or accomplish something through the use of your product or service. How it will increase the reader's mental, physical, financial, social,' economical, or emotional well-being.
2) Or, by acknowledging how the reader can avoid risks, worries, losses, mistakes, or embarrassment. How it will decrease the reader's fears of economic ruin, discomfort, boredom, sickness, loneliness, or prestige.
Who needs a good headline?
Headlines that begin with a question are usually pretty good clinchers. But only if they ask a question that people want to know the answer to.
The words: how, here's, these, which, which of these, who else, where, when, what and why usually out-pull their competitors. Using the "which of these" selling technique is very effective because it says "Which do you want?" not, "Do you want?"
Make the reader a guarantee.
Guarantees in a headline are extremely compelling to readers. Make certain, however, that you can deliver on your guarantee.
Where would you be without your customers?
Always include the reader in your headline. Remember, you're writing person-to-person. Only one person will be reading your article at a specific time, so write to that person. Personalize your company/your product/your service. Try to get your reader involved in your ad. Induce the reader to participate in the experience. Use the words: you, your and yourself. They will involve the reader and make him feel that your ad is directed at him. Appeal to the emotions of your readers.
The advertisement itself should be interesting to look at, but not so overwhelming that potential readers and customers get lost in the copy and fail to derive any message from it. Sometimes, a little bit of irregularity or discord in the design actually serves to attract attention. The advertisement should flow so that your reader's eye is moved from one focal point to another and on down the page – pulling the reader in all the time.
Show Prospective Customers the Advantage of Using You
The reason a person reads an ad is to find out, "What can this product/service do for me?" To make your copy hold the attention, which your layout and headline have already won, show people an advantage. It's not what the product is, but rather, what it can do for the customer.
Prove that what You are Advertising Has that Advantage
Be willing to back up your product with a strong guarantee. The standard guarantee is to offer customers their money back if they return the product within 30 days. A stronger guarantee is to let them try your product for free, billing them only after 30 days have expired.
Stronger still, is the "pay only if it validates" guarantee: They only have to pay your invoice after your product has made them, say, five times the price of the product.
Persuasion Techniques in Print
This is the final staging before asking for a call to action. It is imperative that you appeal to the emotions at this point for it is the last chance you will have before you ask them to part with their money. The approach can be negative or positive, but must have emotion. Aim at your hardest to sell. If you can appeal to them, you've got the rest.
Closing the Sale
Make an offer: a booklet, a sample, a free demonstration, an extra premium, an introductory price, a miniature model, a contest, a chart, a free fitting, entry in a contest, special phone rates for ordering, special bonuses for ordering by phone, or other motivating inducements.
How to Make Your Ads Stand Out From Everybody Else's.
I also know when I look at retail ads, I find it increasingly difficult to distinguish between one business and another. Why? Because the vast majority of ads today focus on one thing: Price.
So I suggest you come up with a different Unique Selling Proposition one that focuses on a reason other than price why customers should choose your business. Of course, make it a proposition you can fully deliver, and one that will be relayed and reiterated in everything your business does. I think customers are getting bored and a little deluded with all these businesses saying their prices are the best in town. It's time for you to come up with some powerful reasons why you should be their only choice. Sell your business' ability to benefit the customer. This will make your ads stand out from the crowd, and will also help to build customer loyalty.
Writing Ads
Since advertising is salesmanship in paint, and you're the best salesperson for your product, that means you should be able to write the best advertisement for your product not an agency. And you can! (After all, you know better than any ad agency what people like about your product.)
Here's an easy way to overcome the fact that you don't really have confidence in your ability to write a compelling ad. Tape record all conversations you have with your prospects and customers. Do this dozens of times so you have a good selection of sales presentations to work with.
Then, transcribe the tape recordings. Then number each selling point you make in your conversation.
Now review them. Give each point a priority number on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being highest.
Cut out each point with a pair of scissors and divide them into three groups. The first group consists of those points that describe the benefits of your product. The second group consists of interesting facts about your product. And the third group consists of those points that don't really say anything about your product or that don't really help to advance your presentation.
Throw the third group away and arrange the other two in rank order from 10 on down.
Next, throw out all points with a rating of five or less.
Now, forget that you are writing an ad or sales letter. Instead, concentrate on writing a memo. A long memo to a friend don't try to be clever.
Concentrate on selling just like you did in your conversations with your prospects and customers! A proven pattern for a good sales pitch:
1) Say something that gets your reader's attention.
2) Tell the reader why he should be interested.
3) Tell the reader why he should believe what you are saying is true.
4) Prove it's true.
5) Itemize and describe all the benefits of your product.
6) Tell the reader how to order.
7) Tell the reader to order now.
The above outline is an elaboration on the formula: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. If you can remember those four words, you'll write excellent ads.
Remember, your ad will be read by only one person at a time. Do not write to the masses - write to one person.
Read your copy aloud so you can see where it doesn't flow and where it needs smoothing out.
Edit your copy. Take out unnecessary repetitions. Use short sentences. Short paragraphs, everyday English. Use some one-word sentences. One-sentence paragraphs, too. And use a generous supply of subheads that make your copy look interesting and easy to read!
Good advertising is simply salesmanship multiplied! Put your sales pitch into your ads and you will have multiplied yourself thousands of times over. Then sit back and reap the rewards.
The Purpose of a Headline.
A headline is an ad for the ad. It’s responsible for 80% of the effect of the ad. The headline is the equivalent of the opening paragraph of a sales letter. It can be before or after the salutation. It's the opening statement of a sales presentation, or of a commercial, or the first contact in a store between a clerk and a customer.
You must test headlines. Different headlines can have 21 times the differential this is 2,100% instant leverage.
Another purpose of the headline is to make a startling, irresistible claim or promise that compels the reader to read your ad or sales letter. Attracting attention is among the primary functions of a headline.
The most successful headlines I’ve used, and why they worked.
Here’s a sure-fire system for creating the best headlines for your ads:
When you come up with a good headline, copy it on a 3"x5" card. Read through them like flash cards when you're looking for ideas.
Write down all the headline ideas that come to mind as you're reading through the cards.
Soon, out will pop a "Central Selling Idea" that you'll know is exactly right for your promotion.
Write like mad. Forget about form and grammar. Just write, write, write. Totally suspend criticism. You can't create and evaluate at the same time. Later you can go back and edit.
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About the Author
Daniel Ray, editor for ezine articles -, best web hosting.