Personal Profile Of The Week Andy Brocklehurst

Andy Brocklehurst is the owner of,
a site dedicated to helping people start, build, run
and succeed with their own business. And is the
author of Infoproduct Magic and the creator of The
Inner Room. He is also the publisher of the free
weekly e-zine 'Succeed4u Weekly'.

Nickname: Don't have one anymore.

Age: 31

From: Somerset, England.

Present Residence: I am married to a US citizen
from NC, USA. However we made a move back
to the UK earlier this year, but getting out of one
country to another is fun! So for the last few months
I've been back and forth a lot. We will end up
permanently based in the UK.

First Full/Part-time Job: First part time job was at
a gas station, first full time job was in retail sales
where I learned a lot about salesmanship (or is that
sales-person-ship now? This PC stuff still confuses
me at times)

Marital Status: Married.

Number Of Children: 1 daughter and 3 step

Number Of Pet(s): 3 dogs, 1 parakeet and a large
fresh water aquarium.

Pet Type(s)/Name(s): The Dogs are Daisy (a collie
cross), and Chester and Sadie (both Lhasa Apso's).
The parakeet is 'geezer', and I don't have names for
all the fish :-)

Computer: Compaq Presario, with 1.1ghz processor,
lots of memory, blah, blah. But until recently I was
still doing most of my work on an old P166mmx laptop
- you don't need a super computer to write ebooks
and work on the Internet.

Years In Business: Full time in Internet marketing
since May 1999. Prior to that ran the Internet stuff
part time and ran my own computer hardware

No.1 Marketing Strategy: Being personal on an
impersonal Internet.

Most Prized Possession: My Aquarium

Indoor Hobbies/Interests/Activities: Playing cards,
reading, occasional video games, conjouring.

Favorite Software/Video Game: WWF No Mercy
on N64

Favorite TV Show(s): Newsradio, Frasier, CNN
Headline News

Favorite Movie(s): Tucker, Boiler Room, Rounders.

Favorite Book(s): Bring out the Magic of your mind
by Al Koran., Selling to Win by Richard Denny

Favorite Food(s): Pizza

Favorite Beverage(s): Rum and Coke.

Favorite Actor(s)/Actress(s): Meg Ryan, Nicholas

Favorite Music Artist(s)/Group(s): The living end.

Favorite Color(s): Blue

Your Dream Possession/Vacation: A world cruise.

About the Author

Larry Dotson is the co-author of "The Hypnotic
Writer's Swipe File" a collection of hypnotic words
and phrases that sell. You can visit his web site at: