Popping Up For Profitable Results

Pop-up windows are those little windows that automatically pop
up at the same time when you are trying enter or exit a web
site. Many webmasters use pop up windows to display ads or
subscription instructions to their ezine.

Many marketers do not employ this strategy because they feel
that it will annoy their visitors. But the fact remains, pop-up
windows do work. The benefits of using pop-up windows far
outweigh the negatives associated with them, but only if you use
them properly!

There are many sites that use multiple pop up windows when
someone clicks on to their web site. This is very annoying when
five or six pop up windows open and most web surfers consider
this a form of "spam." This will be sure to turn off any
potential customers and kill your chances of repeat visitors.

If you are going to display a pop-up window, you should only
display one window, either executed when a visitor enters your
web site or when the visitor exits. There are scripts available
that will let you send a cookie to the visitor's computer so
that no matter how many times they enter or exit the page that
calls the pop up window, thy will only ever receive one pop up.

When I write about cookies, I am not referring to Mr. Christie
or Oreo cookies that people eat. For those of you that are
new to the Internet, a cookie is a small file that is sent to
your computer from the web site to either gather information
about your surfing habits or to let the web site know not to run
a certain script (i.e. pop-up window, survey, etc...).

I suggest executing the pop up window when visitors exit your
web site because you do not want to hit them with to much
information when they enter your web site.

What makes pop up windows so effective (when used properly) is
that they become the center of attention. They quickly grab
the readers attention, and in order to close the pop up window,
the visitor has to click the box shut. With an effective ad in
the pop up window, you can generate additional profits.

You do not have to be a rocket scientist to create a call script
for a pop up window on your web site. Here are a few resources
that you can go to learn about creating a pop up window:

http://www.siteexperts.com ips/backend s15/page1.asp




Originally when web sites such as Tripod, Geocities and
Angelfire were giving away free web space, users had to display
the companies banners on their site. But these companies got
smart and have now installed pop up windows when these free
sites are accessed. It gives them better response to their ads
and greater profits.

Although the pop up window method has been tarnished by a few
companies and the online adult industry, serious marketers can
still use this technique to their advantage.

If you are an ezine publisher, you can expect the number of new
subscribers you get everyday to almost double. Just don't put a
pop up window on every page of your web site. This can really
annoy potential customers.

Once you get your pop up windows working, you should develop a
mechanism to track the response to the window. This will help
you find what offers work more effectively.

About the Author

Gauher Chaudhry is editor of Cool Cash Ezine. You can subscribe
by sending an email to subscribe@freecoolcash.com with "sub-art"
in the subject. Join Gauher's two-tier affiliate program by
promoting his latest book "EZ Money With Ezines." Gauher
teaches individuals how to make thousands of dollars in
the ezine publishing business! http://www.ezmoneywithezines.com