Postcard Marketing Done Right

Say it with a post card. A well designed, colorful, high impact postcard in the mail box of your prospect is your best ticket to a new customer. For your existing customer, a marketing campaign which includes frequent post cards is the perfect start to new sales - this is one of the key small business marketing strategies.

For the recipient:

•You don't have to open a post card!

•You see it right away, the bright picture is not hidden from view by an envelope.

•The message leaps right out and you can't ignore it or throw it in the trash unopened (the fate of many bulk mail pieces).

For the marketer:

•Save money. You can mail a post card 1st class for less than the cheapest letter rate.

•No stuffing required.

Postcards win out on all counts.

Check out the following case study.

Here is what one successful postcard marketer had to say:

“The immediate result was many times more than we had expected and we even had to reduce the number of postcards going out each week because we had more calls than we could handle. We've always heard that a 1-2% response is considered very good for a mailing but we are getting at least triple that amount! To give you some idea, the first week's mailing went out to our oldest customer account, most of whom hadn't done business with us for over a year. The first week after the post cards went out we got a 3% response on those accounts. And 6 weeks later we are still getting calls from those accounts.

I also know that it takes time for the response to build and just this past week, the 6th or 7th week since we started mailing the post cards, we increased from the 23 calls in per hour average we saw at the beginning of this month to 45 calls per hour in at the end of the month.

That's almost 900 calls in per week more than just 4 weeks ago.

We're already planning our next post card mailing and are quite certain that this was one of the best investments in promotion to our existing customers we have ever made.” Ron Nedd at Kevis Rejuvenation Programs, Inc., Beverly Hills, California

Now that is postcard marketing done right!

About the Author

Joy Gendusa founded PostcardMania in 1998; her only assets a computer and a phone. In 2004 the company did close to $9 million in sales and employs over 60 persons. She attributes her explosive growth to her ability to choose incredible staff and her innate marketing savvy. Now she’s sharing her marketing secrets with others. For more free marketing advice, visit her website at