Postcards For Absentee Customers

In building a huge list of customers, personally looking for buyers or clients is considered as one of the best and traditional way in finding reliable buyers especially if you are on real state wholesale deals. But aside from that traditional method, there is also a very effective way in finding buyers, and that is by using direct mail postcards.

However, who will you be mailing these postcards to? Absentee owner? What is an absentee owner? In essence, absentee owners are those people who owns a property whose address where bills in property tax is not the same as the address where there are living at present. This means that the owner is not living on the said address or the property since most of these people have their bills in property tax sent in their home address.

Why choose absentee owners? These absentee owners are those people who are connected in large real estate investment that have purchased a lot real estate property. If you limit all the list of these absentee owners to people that have purchased their houses in the last few months, your list will give you investors that are active accurately. But, where can you get the absentee owner mailing list for your purpose? The answer lies in your local assessor since this person holds the information of all the absentee owners in your place and they sell it for a very small amount of money. Aside from your local assessor, you can also get information on all absentee owners on mailing list companies like the ListSource for around 15 cents per name.

What type of postcard should you mail to absentee owners? You must send a four by six postcard with a simple black text. You can chose from a white or yellow color paper to be used on your postcard that will suit your taste and preference. And when it comes to sending out these postcards to your intended receiver, you will not have any problem since the US postal service click to mail site is now available for easy and fast sending of your postcard. You must upload first all your mailing list, upload all that you want to be placed in your postcard and US postal service will print and mail them for you for the reasonable price of 30 cents per postcards.

What are the things that must be placed in your business postcard? There are several approaches that you can do, but one of the best is to put your website in the cards, your telephone number for your clients and customers to get more information about your offering, as well as information of why you have send them your postcards. You can tell your customers that your have known that they have recently purchased a property and, thus, sending your postcard in case they are interested in your offerings. However, just be sure that you always give all your clients several reasons why they should respond to your postcards, and let them contact you easily. This is because most postcards that are being distributed with just toll free numbers on it only gives technical difficulties the moment your customer or client have receive it. So it is always a must to put several types of contact information on your postcard whenever you mail one to your customers.

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