Power Linkers We're Everywhere YOU Want to Be!

There is a certain credit card company that is famous for the
slogan "We're Everywhere You Want To Be!"

That is a darn good slogan for Power Linkers, because it hits
the nail on the head. When you are marketing anything, of
course your best bet is to reach every possible customer for
your product with your message, right?

But if you are not a big multi-national corporation with
millions of dollars to spend on flashy advertising, what are you
going to do?

Well, the internet is where the little guys have had equal
footing with the big corporations from the beginning. Remember
the big tech company crash when thousands of over-financed
upstart internet companies went the way of the dodo? Who could
forget that, right?

Those guys thought they could dominate on OUR turf if they threw
money at the problem like they do in the offline world of
television, radio, magazines, and newspapers. And the
experiment failed miserably. Only a few companies got through
that fiasco, but not without some deep scars.

All the while, people like me were watching and learning. And I
realized then and there that the battle for monster profits on
the web was going to be waged guerilla fashion.

Low budget, no budget, the less money and more creativity
involved, the better! And that is how Power Linking was born.
And that's why Power Linkers are "..everywhere you want to be."

If you put the science of linking to use in a massive, systematic
way, by studying your potential customers' habits and using this
knowledge to be "everywhere they surf," you cannot help but blow
your competition out of the water.

There are billions of web pages on the net. There are fewer
super-high traffic places on the net, but still a pretty
mind-boggling amount. How many of them are you on?

How many sites with over 1 million visitors a month link to your
website? Did you even think that was possible until I asked the

How well do you know your customers and their surfing habits?
If you sell horse blankets and many of your potential customers
surf the #1 horse lovers site online, what can you do to get
exposure for your site there?

And if you say "Spend money on advertising" I am going to ask
you to re-read what you just read above!

Get it out of your head completely, right now and for good, that
you have to have money to make money. That you have to make a
huge investment in hard cash to get the exposure your site needs.
That point could not have been made clearer by the tech crash!

And when you don't have money to lose on the mistakes already
laid out before you on a silver platter, it is a cardinal sin to
spend a DIME on advertising!

Power Linkers show up everywhere our customers go. At least,
that is the goal. On your way to showing up absolutely
everywhere your potential market will see you, you will become a
millionaire. That's a flat fact. So I doubt many people get to
test the theory to it's absolute end.

There's too much world travel, deep sea fishing, and shopping
for 2nd and 3rd homes for millionaires to be bothered with
wondering whether they got themselves into every corner of the
web that their market surfs!

Do YOU Have What it Takes to Make it Online?

I have a test for you to complete. If you saw "Spy Games" with
Robert Redford and Brad Pitt, you will remember that Redford was
training Pitt to be a spy, and a darn good one at that. In one
scene during Pitt's traning, Redford and Pitt are standing
outside a big apartment building.

Redford turns to Pitt and says "You know anyone in that
building?" Pit says "No." "In five minutes, I want to see you
standing on the outside balcony of one of the top floor
apartments," Redford told him.

Pitt was clearly taken aback. You see, Redford was teaching
Pitt to befriend people almost instantly, gain trust, and go
places and do things no one else would dream of doing to be the
best spy he could possibly be.

His life depended on it. The scene cuts away, but we are left
with the feeling Pitt had no trouble with this task because the
next scene was of Pitt as a full-blown professional spy!

I want you to pretend rght now that your life depends on getting
a very highly prized link from one of the biggest sites in your
niche. Either through an article, a plain reciprocal link, or
other means, WITHOUT spending a dime on it. And I want you to
do it in 24 hours.

Taking what you know right now, and realizing that now your life
depends on how good a marketer you can be, come up with a plan
that requires you to "befriend" a webmaster, CEO, whoever the
person in charge of your "target" site is. And I want to see
you standing on THEIR "balcony" waving to me (with your link) in
24 hours.

Think you can do it? Seems almost trivial when put in the
perspective that if your life depended on it, and you HAD to
find a way to get onto a site with some sort of free publicity,
that you could certainly find a way. I mean, in the big
perspective, this certainly is not an impossible task by any
stretch whatsoever.

I want to see what you are made of. How bad do you want the
prize? Because after you complete this task, the Power Linking
world is going to open before you and you will start to see
internet marketing in a whole new way, from that day forward.

If you do this and succeed, you are on your way to becoming a
pro, and a very rich person indeed.

You now have 23 hours and 56 minutes to complete your task.

About the Author

Jack Humphrey is the Author of "Power linking 2: Evolution"
which hit the net this week to rave reviews. Grab your copy
before your competition does at http://power-linking-profits.com