Power of Up-Selling-Techniques & More

The Power of Up-Selling..

by Anthony L. Davenport

Before I get into how Up-Selling can benefit you and
your sales, let me answer the question:

What is an Up-sell?

An up sell is when a customer is ready to order a product,
or already has ordered a product from you,
then you immediately offer a complimentary product.

This is the most common example of a perfect upsell:

You go into your local fast food restaurant ,
(Burger King, McDonalds, etc.)
your hungry and want to get something to eat.
Your standing there looking at the selection, first you check
out the 99c value menu, but it's something about the smell
of the frying burgers and fresh French fries that entices you
to start looking at the main combos and promotions.

You see something, and you think "hey that's a great
deal", especially for how hungry you are. Your the next one
in line, so you walk up to the cashier ready to buy
and say "Combo Number 3 please."

And right before the cashier rings you up, s/he kindly ask
"would you like to 'Up-Size' that combo for just.59 cents?
You think, "Yumm, more of those
delicious fresh fries and more
tasty soda to drink with my meal,
all for just an extra 59 cents."

What a bargain, especially since your so hungry.
So you kindly say sure,
I would like to 'Up-Size' my combo.

How many of you have been in this situation?
It's a safe bet that almost all of you have...guess what..

you had just experienced yet another up-sell..and all you
wanted to do was get something to eat ^^..

Ok, Ok, now...How can you use this method of marketing
to benefit Your sales?

Well, there are a few ways you can approach this.

First, You can offer different versions of your product or service.
For instance, lets say your selling an autoresponder
service. Your first version can simply be a free or low
cost web based servicethe 'bronze version'

Your first version has only one set back, it contains (your)
advertisements in each mailing..

So you can offer the same web based service with out the
advertisements as an upgrade for only $20/mo more.
This could be your 'silver package'

Then taking this a step further, you can offer a fully functionally
version, where the customer would be in complete control as
a Domain Based autoresponder.-The ultimate 'Gold version'
and you can offer this version for $150 over the 'silver' price.

O but you can offer another great up sell to the 'Gold version'
by adding lifetime upgrades to the domain based autoresponder,
as the 'Platinum Version' and charge say an extra $20 over
the 'Gold' Price.

Doing this will allow you to up sell both, people who are looking
for web based service AND the domain based service..

A second way you can use the power of up selling to boost
your sales through the roof is simply by
placing an entry pop-up at the download page/confirmation page
of a product that a customer has already purchased.

An example for you:

lets say your selling a Automating Search Engine Submission
Software for $97..

When your customer has clicked the order link,
filled out their credit card information and clicked the
'submit' button they are
taken to the download/confirmation page.

On this page is where you place the
entry pop up with a link to a
complimentary eBook about
'Search Engine Submission and
how to optimize your site to get the #1 ranking.'
lets say you sell this ebook for $27
(normal price $47, give them a discount and make them
feel valuedbecause they should be).

What this does for your customer:
Offers them a product they can actually
usethat compliments their current purchase.
Since they already have their credit card out and are

in the "buying mode" chances are
they will jump at the chance to own that ebook..

So what this does for you is increased
your initial $97 sale to a $124 profit.
All for simply being a good business person and
offering your customer
more value and convenience.

I really hope you now see how powerful the 'up-sell' is...
use it in all your Marketing endeavors and see your sales fly.

To your success,
Anthony L Davenport

Ps. With pop-up blockers becoming more and
more available to internet
user, it is also a good idea to put the same
offer that you use
in the entry pop-up,
ON the actually download page/confirmation page
of your customers initial order.
This will ensure that no-one misses
your 'up-sell' promotion.

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About the Author
