I can't think of many people who actually like cold calling. For most it's like anticipating a trip to the dentist. But if you're going to run a business it's critical that you learn the skill if you want to succeed. Even if you are thinking about hiring other people to sell for you, you need to know how to sell yourself. I promise that nobody can sell your product or service like you can. Selling is one of the most important skills anyone can learn.
You will need to be prepared to make a cold calling campaign successful. Start with a script and rehearse it several times. You don't want to sound like a telemarketing robot, just get yourself familiar with the script so you really know what you're talking about. Then you will feel comfortable about going off script.
Warm up by making your first call of the day to a trusted friend. This should be someone that will put you in a good mood. It helps to be motivated and in the right frame of mind before you start calling people out of the blue. Tell yourself that what you have to sell is valuable and the buyer will be lucky to have it. Selling is about solving the other person's problem. Before you can convince the buyer, you need to convince yourself that what you have is worthy of their time.
Make some warm calls first. These are to people that you have a connection with. Maybe they came from a referral or you met the person at an event. These calls with be slightly easier and you'll have a better chance of the conversation going well. Every call that goes well will get you more excited about making the next one. It's important to keep your confidence high when you are cold calling and selling.
The gatekeeper is probably going to be the first person you will talk to. The secretary or receptionist might be the first gatekeeper you encounter. You can expect to be screened by the gatekeepers. Be prepared for it. Make a friend of them and make it easy for them. Get this person on your side. It's likely that you will be talking to these same people again at some point in the future and they will be able to help you. Ask questions of the gatekeepers and make them a friend. You want to make sure you are contacting the right person and this is the time to find that out.