Remember a Name and Build a Relationship

In today's varied, specialized and competitive marketplace, you may often feel like a face in a crowd, trying to stand out and be noticed. What can you do to get people to notice you and remember you. The answer is simple, notice and remember them.

When I want to meet people, I walk up to them, extend my hand and say " Hi, I have not met you yet, I'm Caterina." This assertive introduction is always welcomed and a conversation easily starts. By acting confident, I feel confident and people appreciate being noticed.

Once you introduce yourself, remember their names. Learning names is a simple skill that can be easily developed. To remember names, use the following tips:

o Tell yourself that you are going to remember the names of new people you meet.

o When introducing yourself, relax and focus on the other person's name.
Repeat it back to them by saying "Nice to meet you ".

o Make sure you pronounce the name correctly.

o If you are not sure how to spell the name, ask. This will help you remember it.

o Use the name in conversation in the first two minutes.

o When you end your conversation, use their name again.

o Ask for a card and connect the face with the name on their card.

o When you have a few moments, scan the room and repeat to yourself the names of everyone you have met.

o On the way home, run a video in your mind of all your new acquaintances and their names.

The next time you run into someone you have met in the past and you greet them by name, they will warm up to you and be impressed by you. Success in business is built on successful relationships. Remembering names is the first step to making any acquaintance grow.

When you make an effort to notice and remember people, they will remember and notice you. You will become well known in the circles you move in. You will feel more confident and successful, and increase your business savvy and overall success. The extra effort to notice and remember others will always bring positive results.

About the Author

Caterina Rando, MA, MCC, is a business success speaker, coach and author of the national bestseller "Learn to Power Think." She helps people get the results they want with ease. To find out about her programs, book and other resources, visit Caterina can be reached by email at