Remember The HeroesHow To Think Like A Power Marketer And Skyrocket Your Income!!

FACT #1:
You're losing money if you're only using mail order.

FACT #2:
You're losing money if you're only marketing on-line.

Strong statements my friend, but here's why:

The internet is the most powerful lead generator ever
invented. You can expose your offer to millions in the blink
of an eye.

Mail Order is still the most powerful method for delivering
your message directly to your leads.

It's no coincidence you still see the big money boys
advertising in the newspapers, on TV, and on the radio.

Do these insider's know something you don't?




QUESTION: Wanna double your sales?

ANSWER: Use both online and off-line advertising!!

Skyrocket your income 100% by combining both. Hop on the
Track and grab your share of the pie!

Here's a Streamlined, Shoestring method for EXPLODING YOUR

1. Take the best qualities of your product or service and
them in a How-To report. Make sure you pack the report with
benefits directed at your target audience.

2. Next offer it Free to anyone who would be interested:

E-zine Publishers

Webmasters looking for content.

Post a small classified on the Free ad sites.

What you've done is taken a mail order loss leader and
circulated your message Free.

Now you have a powerful Free lead generator.

I hear you asking, where does mail order fit in?

You take your leads and start sending them your sales
literature in a direct mail package.

Why would you start getting into printing and postage when
you've been able to do everything Free?

Here's Why?

1. In your direct mail piece you have no competitors, it
will be read.

2. Hard copy advertising stays in the readers mind longer
than an easily deleted e-mail message.

3. You can contact your prospects on a regular basis.

4. You can sell your in house list for even greater

I've given you the basics, the rest is up to you.

Wishing You Success

About the Author

John Colanzi publishes the "Street Smart Marketing" Newsletter.
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