Self Perpetuating traffic

Ah, that Holy Grail, visitors gravitating towards your
site like steel to a magnet. Is it possible to obtain
TRULY viral traffic generation techniques that feed on
each other and replicate automatically without
your input? We all know about Synergy, the concept that
the whole is in fact greater than the sum of its parts.
Can this concept be applied to marketing strategies?

The promotion strategy that really took off this year was
the "start/home page" traffic generation programs. These
operate by changing your start page to the traffic programs
specified page. Each time you start your browser you would
see a page from someone else's website. Someone in turn
would also see your site, based upon a system of credits
earned per viewing.

Two such popular programs are Startblaze and NoMoreHits.
This was a fantastic concept and so, not surprisingly,
a host of other start page traffic generation programs
were developed, some offering better viewing credit ratios
than the two previously mentioned.

Now if we embodied the concept of synergy with these programs
we could combine eight or more of the most popular programs.
Each time you started your browser you would earn hits from
all of them. Well this can be done using a little javascript
juggling. Click here:
to see how this may be done.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg, it is possible to
trigger a CHAIN-REACTION by linking a number of FREE
programs together.

I believe in the principal of 'TANSTAAFL'
(There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch). Even if a
program is free you will have to (at least initially), invest
substantial TIME in promoting it. Typically the trade off is
time or money. Do you automatically submit your webpages
according to a schedule for a couple of bucks? or do you
manually wade through various submission pages for free?

Having said that, you should also bear in mind that traffic
derived from free programs may be less targeted, but a hit is
a hit, and if you receive thousands of free visitors a day,
even with a low conversion rate, the only potential drawback
may be in extra bandwidth used.

For a look at how to synergistically combine up to 50 traffic
programs each feeding into each other see:
Even if you don't follow the full strategy it gives you the most
comprehensive guide to free traffic building resources that I
have seen.

About the Author

Godfrey Heron is the Website Manager of Irieisle Online
a leading webhosting and design company. Hosting solutions
Starting from US$9.95.