Six ways to make extra money for Christmas

Christmas time can be stressful and hard if you`re running low on cash. Here are 6 tips for making some extra money so you too can have a joyful season.

1. Root around your house, from attic to basement. Find EVERYTHING that you don`t need and don`t use, then list them on It`s amazing what people actually buy. Remember, one mans junk is another mans treasure.

2. If you find Ebay too confusing, or you feel the need to get out more, take all your new-found items along to the nearest flea market or car boot sale. If you don`t want to travel to find customers, throw up a big old "Yard Sale" sign outside your house.

3. If you haven`t got your own stuff, or want to sell more, ask your friends for THEIR junk. Tell them you`ll sell it for them if you get a percentage of what you make. That way, both you AND your friends make money for Christmas.

4. If you`ve got a website and digital products such as software and ebooks that you have full resale rights to, see if you can bundle up lots of goodies together for an unbelievably low price. Make sure you let people know it`s a one-off Christmas Special that will end soon. Be aware of copywrite and license agreements that may prohibit bundling of certain software products.

5. If you`ve got a website and you sell physical products, bundle a few together, make up a good price and offer free shipping. Or offer free shipping for purchasing a certain amount. Offering free products such as "buy 3 get 1 free" also works well.

6. Try to get a "stand-in" job in a busy resturant, pub or club. Maybe even a pizza delivery job. There`s big tips to be had at Christmas time, and never enough staff.

Try out one, two, or even all of these ideas NOW and you`ll have that little bit of extra cash in your pocket in time for Christmas. Feel free to let me know how it works for you, I`d love to hear it!

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About the Author

Anna-Marie Stewart has been involved with internet marketing since 1999. She has always tried to help people "make a go of it" online, by sharing her own experiences with as many people as possible. She now publishes "Not Just Another Ezine" a FREE weekly newsletter at - dedicated to helping newbie and semi-pro internet marketers avoid the pitfalls BEFORE getting burnt.