Smart way to increase traffic

It is vary important to know where your traffic to your Web site is coming from. Is it through a Search Engine, or through the promotion of your URL in an ad or a
This information will give you another clue as to your visitors' mindsets when they arrive to read your Web site's content. Why? Because "ad traffic" is tougher to persuade than customers who arrive via Search Engines.

Why? Why is ad traffic tougher? Because if people find you via an ad, they know they've been "pitched." And they know another pitch is coming. So they feel that you are using their time.
But if they find you via Search Engines, that’s another story...
They were looking for you! They found you via a keyword search, so they are targeted.
Search Engines are, by far, the #1 way that surfers find Web sites. If they cannot find your site, it does not exist.
One more important point...
Finding a site through a Search Engine is more credible than visiting a site due to advertising. It is the offline equivalent of reading editorial content in a newspaper, as opposed to an ad.
So, how to tell Search Engine about your site? How to make it indexed? One of the very workable and easy way – to write articles - get published. Write articles for publication on other websites. The author profile will link to your site. And the Search Engine will find this link and index. The search Engine will know about you. But where to post? It may take a long term, - you can say. There also is an easy way. Make this process automatic. All that you need – the software (Blogs AutoFiller Using this program you can post hundreds of articles after one click (the sites where to post can be found by the program). Just write those articles, save them in the base of the program, write search phrase and click ‘Start’.
Why this software is the best for you? You can easy make your site searchable by search engines saving your own time. Make your site indexed by Search Engines and invite people to visit your site.
I use this software myself and … How did you come to this site? I think you found it in the Search Engine J. As many other people do. Hope you find it useful and will come again. So, please visit to read more about advertising line of software.

About the Author

manager of the Oksima team