Springtime Marketing

Spring is in the air! Major department stores have been promoting Spring merchandise ever since the middle of February. The stores are hoping that the brightly colored Spring merchandise and displays will entice window shoppers to drop in and buy a few items to accelerate the arrival of a new season. Scores of customers with overflowing bags are a testament to the retail sector's masterful use of the weather to improve sales. You can utilize some of the same techniques to improve your second quarter business results.

Springtime is associated with rebirth and a new beginning. It's also a particularly auspicious time to start a new marketing campaign. A portion of the Christmas shopping debt has been settled and the shock induced by a pile of holiday bills has worn off. In addition, numerous studies show that increased sunlight tends to improve people's mood, which often manifests itself by increased consumption of goods and services. Here are three techniques you can use to follow the lead of retail outlets and make the weather work for your business:

If you sell a tangible product, feature your Springtime product lines on your front page and other high traffic pages. Customers are actively looking for Spring products. Some seek them out of true necessity, some sense that Spring will arrive more quickly once they've purchased a new wardrobe, and yet others are hunting for bargains and closeouts of your Winter inventory. Now is the best time to market your Spring products!

If you run a service-oriented business, you can still use the Spring to promote your services. Tie spring into your current promotions, or show your customers that some of your services are especially appropriate for the new season. For example, if you own a dry cleaning business, offer a special on dry cleaning of sweaters and winter jackets. People want to put away their winter clothes and start a new season; helping them do so will generate additional business.

Remind your customers that Spring has arrived! Wish them a happy Spring in a cheerful voice when you answer the phone. Mention Springtime in the next newsletter you send out, and don't forget to mention your Spring-themed products and services as well — we can't wait for the Spring to start!

About the Author

Biana Babinsky is the online marketing coach and mentor, who helps business owners create passive income streams and make more money online. Start learning how do that at Online Marketing Coaching and Mentoring Web Site or subscribe to her free online marketing newsletter to learn how to market better online.