Start Now! Promote Your Site with Mini Ads!

Start Now! Promote Your Site with Mini Ads!

 by: Anthony Jewell

What are mini ads you might ask? Chances are you have seen them on one of your favorite sites, in emails or at that forum you like to visit. They are small, non-intrusive ads that do get notice from people whether they are looking for something or not. Usually scattered through different places on websites, for one reason or another they seem to catch a persons eye. Especially when people are just browsing. They seem to create an interest in oneself to click and find out more about your website. The best thing yet is that anyone can create them for their site and it only takes a few minutes of your time!

There are many different types of mini ads. They come in different sizes, different locations of websites as well as different formats. Ok, I'll tell you what a mini ad is. It is a version of a text link to your website, that even though very subtle in ways does effectively help market your website. Now think back to some of the sites you visit and the text links on their website. How many times have you clicked different ones you have seen? I know I have clicked alot. Probably we don't even notice half the time what we are doing but not meaning to we read a text link and we think"sounds interesting" or "I wonder what their site is like". As soon as this thought enters our mind we click the link. Its a funny thing.

Some of the best ways to get advertising is through these links. They are usually free and very inexpensive to obtain. Another benefit of them is they only take a few minutes to set up. Here are some free examples of getting text links for your website:

  • Posting in forums on others posts and leaving your signature

  • Submitting free articles and leaving your signature with the url in it at the bottom of the article.

  • Sending out(not spam though) or replying back to emails with your url in your signature

  • Exchanging or purchases links on other quality related websites.

  • Submitting to directories related to your website.

All of these ideas are usually free and easy to do. They will help get new visitors to your website as well as helping to increase your page rank in google. So get out there and get going on it. Its simple, cheap and best of all doesn't take alot of time to do.