Start Your e-Business Right!

Start Your e-Business Right!
Copyright 2002
By Armand Melanson

Ever wonder why 90% - that's 9 of 10 - small business
ventures fail miserably? And what was the single
successful entrepreneur's secret to success?

The answer is so simple that it boggles the mind! How can
so many people miss it:


Crazy isn't it. But most people getting into business
decide what they will sell without really considering how
much demand there is.

Always identify an existing market, then pick
products & services to meet that demand!!!

And today it's easier than ever to find out how much
demand there is for a given product without spending a dime.
You start by picking a target market like health, biz ops,
security products, or whatever you are interested in

Once you have the market picked, you identify 6-12
products which fit that market. Then you sit down & you
write out the most important keywords & phrases that people
will likely use to find these products on the web. Once
you have your list, you're ready to test the demand.

Go to
& use the search term suggestion tool to see how many searches
were done on the most relevant terms for your products.

You basically type in your search term/phrase, then search
Overture's records of how many searches have been done in
the last month. It gives you a count for all searches which
contain the search term. In fact this list will give you
great suggestions about what phrases are most often used
to find your prospective product.

This is so easy to do, but most people don't even consider
trying it. If the product is getting very few searches,
pick another product. This is absolutely key. You must
pick products that are in demand. Since OVERTURE is partnered
with many of the major search engines, their search records
will tell you if people want what you are thinking of

So use the OVERTURE search suggestion tool and always


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Armand Melanson is an emarketing
consultant & author. For free marketing tips & articles you
can re-use, visit him at

About the Author

Armand Melanson is an emarketing
consultant & author. For free marketing tips & articles you
can re-use, visit him at