Submit your articles to us

Attention!! All web masters, e-zine publishers and all of you who use mail outs get your message across.

Wouldn't you love to have all those wonderful articles you have written seen by a lot more people?

Most of the big time gurus know that articles spread all over the web in various e-zines and web sites will bring targeted traffic to their web sites and offers, thus earning them a greater income for their efforts and you should too. Here's how:

We are currently building a new page of our web site to host other people's articles and we would love to have your articles to publish!

We estimate that the new pages will be fully up and functional in about 2 weeks. You can send your articles to use by email and we will pop them is ASAP.
Mail to:

Mail them right now if you wish and we will hang on to them until the new page is built:

Articles should be.
About 500 to 1500 words long (length some what flexible)
Contain your resource box (so readers can reach you )
Should be full of good content including the key words or phrases pertinent to your article (so that the search engines can pick them up )

What your article shouldn't be.
Blatant advertising
Contain racial hatred
Contain adult material
Or anything else that may be considered offensive.

Here are the subjects we are interested in receiving from you. If you can think of other categories please let us know.
(1) Web hosting articles:

Non performing web hosting

Great web hosts

Articles on web hosting experiences

Anything on web hosting that is good content.

(2) Search engines:

Search engine positioning

Optimizing for the search engines

Importance of search engines in marketing

Getting sites and pages ranked near the top

Submission process

Google dance

Other pertinent content

(3) Selecting keywords:

Where to go

How to select them

How to put them in pages for best effect

Anything at all helpful on key words and key word research

(4) Advertising:

Free and paid advertising

Where to go

How to do it

How to write it

Why advertising in important

(5) Traffic:

How to attract it (ways and means of getting traffic)

Where does it come from

What type of traffic needed

Methods that you use to obtain targeted traffic:

(6) Internet marketing and ways to sell:

Anything pertaining to Internet marketing in general

(7) Affiliate Programs:

The good ones

What to look for in an affiliate program

The bad ones

How to use them

(8) Great freebies:

We plan to have a maximum of 1 to 2 articles on each new page, we don't want it to be cluttered and hard to read.

We will create an index type page with the above categories in it and visitors will be able to choose which even topic they are interested in.

We are looking forward to receiving your articles , mail them too:

It is not mandatory but please give us, when you submit an article (1) your first name. (2) your email address so that we can show you where your article has been put. I am sure you would like to read it.

Your personal details will not be used for any other purpose: Guaranteed !!

If you would like to subscribe to our e-zine, make your business sizzle just write" please subscribe me" towards the bottom of the article you wish to submit.

Hoping to help you:
Chris and Heather

About the Author

Web master of marketing web site ranked by Alexa top 1% of sites out of 16.6 million web sites.
"The Six Simple Steps to Online Success".