Ten Tall Tales of Traditional Marketing #2

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"Ten Tall Tales of Traditional Marketing That Cost You Tons"
Tall Tale #2 "Advertising is Expensive"
By Jimmy Vee & Travis Miller

Let's face it. Advertising isn't exactly a bargain. But
it doesn't have to be as costly an endeavor as many
people believe it to be.

As we talked about yesterday, advertising is usually
used as a surface treatment. Asking advertising to do
the lion's share of marketing your product or service
is a yeoman's task. That's when things start to get
expensive. For example, a relatively unremarkable store
selling relatively unremarkable products in a
relatively unremarkable fashion will often times expect
an advertising campaign to yield leads and sales. It's
possible, but it will take a hefty cash commitment from
the unremarkable player. The advertising message will
need to be geared toward the masses and communicated to
as many people as possible. That's not cheap – and it's
not smart either.

A remarkable business, on the other hand, is playing by
an entirely different set of rules. A company with a
remarkable product, service or method can deploy a
remarkable advertising message to a small, targeted
group of individuals who are most likely to appreciate
the company's uniqueness and act upon it. They, in
turn, will spread the word about that company.

Another tremendous benefit enjoyed by companies that
are remarkable is the concept of permission. A company
with a unique size, flavor, or look has a better than
average chance of requesting and receiving permission
from their would-be and current customers to market
directly to them with specific and relevant
information. It's a concept we'll talk more about in a
few days, but the concept is simple. When someone
permits you to market to them, the task is easier, the
cost is lower, and the results are better.

Advertising is only expensive when you ask it to do a
remarkable task for an unremarkable company. So dig
deep and find out what's remarkable about your product
or service or method or whatever and start telling the
people who care.

Tomorrow we’ll tell you the truth behind the tall tale
that says if you get your message in front of enough
people it will be successful.

Get the full ebook "Ten Tall Tales Of Traditional Marketing That Cost You Tons" and others at our website: http://www.scend.net/smallresources.htm

About the Author

Jimmy Vee & Travis Miller are the partners of scend, a nontraditional advertising agency and authors of the revolutionary “Gravitational Marketing System” which helps businesses harness the power of word-of-mouth advertising. They believe that if you are remarkable, you can be famous, people will know your name, and the world will beat a path to your door. For questions, comments, or to shoot the bull, email them directly: mailto:talk@scend.net