Ten Tall Tales of Traditional Marketing #4

"Ten Tall Tales of Traditional Marketing That Cost You Tons"
Tall Tale #4 “You need to be cheaper than your competition”

Hooey! Horse Pucky! This has to be the most asinine
statement to ever come out of anyone’s mouth. If you
believe this nonsense then please just start writing us
checks for a hefty part of your profits, because that’s
what you are essentially doing. Do you have a “George
Costanza” wallet that’s obscenely thick because it’s
stuffed with fifties? Do you use hundred dollar bills
as fire fodder! Are you in the business of giving
people ridiculous deals because you have more money
than you know what to do with? If the answer to these
questions is yes then stop reading. This doesn’t apply
to you. Ahhh…still here? Figured that much - keep

Let’s debunk this Tall Tale in stages. Why can’t this
be true? If this were a true statement it would mean
that people make buying decisions based on price.
BUZZZZ, wrong answer. Never has any living human being
ever made a buying decision based on price alone. So,
it’s a combination of things right? Like price and
advertising? You have the lowest price and you’ve
gotten it out in front on as many people as possible,
right? I think you can guess where this is going?
BUZZZZZZ, wrong again!

People don’t buy because of price and they don’t buy
because of advertising. They buy because they are
emotionally attached to the product. This statement is
so significant that it bears repeating. People make
buying decision solely based on EMOTION! Yell that from
the highest mountain top. Emotion in the sales process
comes in many forms: emotionally committed to the
product, emotionally committed to the benefits the
product will deliver, emotionally committed to the
sales person, the brand, the store. There are lots of
different avenues, but they all are emotionally driven.
Not reason, not logic, not price, not advertising, not
size, shape, color or smell. All of these things can
contribute to the sales process, but they do not end
with a buying decision. There is an easier way to
elicit an emotional attachment.

Finding a strong enough emotionally attachment to your
product will make customers buy at any price,
regardless of the competition. You also can make them
emotionally committed to you. Impossible, you say? No
not really. You know the old saying “The right tool for
the job” or “He’s the best person for the job?” These
are cliches for a reason. They are rooted in truth. If
someone feels without a shadow of a doubt that you have
the right “tool” or that you are the right “man for the
job” they will become emotionally committed to you and
they will pay your price. Everyone will pay a little
more for the resident expert. Did you hear that? I
said, pay a little more. Not – pay a little less than
your competitor charges. I said pay more than your
competitor. You need to be the expert. You need to
establish yourself as an expert in your field…the end
all, be all, of your market segment…“The Go To Guy.”
Then they will pay a premium just to have YOU!

The “Gravitational Marketing” System utilizes expert
positioning as a tool to increase awareness, emotional
involvement and profits. You can learn more about
establishing yourself as an expert and creating an
expert perception in your market place in our
“Gravitational Marketing Road Map.” Niffty, ain’t it?

It’s plagued you for years. The age old tale is finally
set straight. Size matters - Bigger is better. You
don’t want to miss this one! It all happens in
tomorrow’s installment.

Get the full ebook "Ten Tall Tales Of Traditional Marketing That Cost You Tons" and others at our website: http://www.scend.net/smallresources.htm

About the Author

Jimmy Vee & Travis Miller are the partners of scend, a nontraditional advertising agency and authors of the revolutionary “Gravitational Marketing System” which helps businesses harness the power of word-of-mouth advertising. They believe that if you are remarkable, you can be famous, people will know your name, and the world will beat a path to your door. For questions, comments, or to shoot the bull, email them directly: mailto:talk@scend.net