Unusual, not weird, does sell even if you are a professional. Here are ten ways you can doctor your picture to get people to chuckle. When people have a lighter sense of humor, they will stay longer on your website. And of course, read more.
Use your digital camera or cam to play with any of these ideas.
1. Use an uncommon hair style. You could style your hair to stand straight up like you're scared or use a wig to wear a Mohawk or huge fuzzy hair.
2. Color your hair a bright color. You could color it pink, blue, purple, green, etc. You could even make it match your web site's colors.
3. Draw lines on your picture. You could draw a black-eye or a mustache on it before you scan and upload the pic to your web site. For an ad, you can draw horns and add a caption, "I'm in a devilish mood and have slashed prices for the next 24 hours."
4. Put on silly glasses. You could put on spring-like glasses, oversized colorful glasses, spinning glasses, or even 3D glasses.
5. Wear uncommon clothes. Try clashing colors, wear super bright colors, a unique outfit, a weird tie or costume. For Halloween, place your picture up of you in costume.
6. Make a unique facial expression. You could stick your tongue out, push your face together, make your eyes big, or look like you're angry.
7. Wear an unrelated hat. You could wear a cowboy hat, a bowl on your head, a straw hat, a sports helmet, or a rain hat. Okay, keep going, put on your thinking cap and see what pops in or is that pops up.
8. Paint your face. You could paint your own ideal character or paint a typical character like a clown, animal, plant, etc.
9. Wear a mask. You could buy one or make one out of a paper bag. Just cut the nose, mouth and eyes out. You could also add other facial features.
10. Use an uncommon background. You could use an outside background, a funny wallpaper, a prop to look like you have a cartoon body, etc.
Yes, these are unique ways to get attention. But they get the job done they build curiosity, generate laughter or at least a chuckle and they will keep people reading and wanting to get to know more about you.
About the Author
Catherine Franz, Millionaire Coach, thinks outside the boxnaturally when it comes to attracting money. Order herlatest strategy, How To "Get 'Them' To Follow Your YellowBrick Road" report (for professionals, consultants,employees, and retail store owners).http://www.marketingstrategiestogo.com