The 5 Step Marketing Check List

Marketing is sometimes referred to as the "refined art of persuasion". But
actually, true marketing begins from the moment you decide to start your
business. Marketing is the whole of everything you and your business
communicate to your customers; past, present and future. Below is my
version of a quick reference check to marketing your business.

1) Your Business

a) Name should be descriptive, brief and easy to remember.

b) Logo should plant an unforgettable image in people's minds.

c) Present an image of being down to earth, yet professional.

d) Operate your business with Passion, Honesty and Integrity.

2) Your Products and/or Services

a) Quality is the Key.

b) There has to be a Demand or Need.

c) Your Profit Margin must support your efforts and overhead.

d) Be Ready with Backend Products/Services.

3) Advertising

a) Advertising should be constant and consistent.

b) Set and stick to an advertising budget.

c) Research and Test your Advertising.

d) Get Free advertising in any "positive" manner available.

e) Try various media to target your audience.

f) Stick with Successful Campaigns.

4) Customer Relations

a) Provide Accessibility for the Customer.

b) Immediate and Decisive Action.

c) Be Courteous at all Times.

d) Be Friendly and Personable.

e) Consistent Trouble-Shooting Techniques.

f) Explain Your Actions.

5) Follow Up

a) Without Repeat Business, Your Business Dies.

b) Build Confidence & Loyalty by Checking In with them.

c) Send out Catalogs, Brochures or Circulars.

d) Always have another Product or Service ready to go.

e) Offer Discounts or Special Offers for repeat customers.

f) Personalize Your Follow Up, They're Part of the Family Now.

This in no way come close to explaining the hows and whys of marketing. If
you're getting ready to start a business, a business fledgling or an
established Entrepreneur, consider the list above and examine how your
business, product or service and customer relations are stacking up.

About the Author

"Wild Bill" Montgomery
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