The 7 Keys To Writing Successful Articles

Are you writing articles?

I know. You've already heard it 100 times before. The
question is not IF you're writing articles, but WHAT you're
actually writing. Simply throwing a bunch of words together
isn't going to get you very far.

Here's a blueprint that outlines the 7 keys to writing
successful articles. Follow the 7 keys and you're
guaranteed to get more exposure with your articles.

Key #1: Choose a HOT Topic

You'll need to do a little research on this one. If you're
already in touch with the target market for your article,
this should come easy.

Research, spy, observe. Do whatever it takes to understand
your target market. What issues are hot? What topics
currently appear within top ezines, messageboards, ebooks?

It's also a good idea to frequently visit article
directories and content sites. These sites contain current
articles on a variety of popular topics. Here's a shortlist:

Key #2: Choose a "Magnetic" Title

Magnetic title? That's right. Your article title is your
headline. If it doesn't pull the reader into the article,
nothing will. Just think... what if I called this article:

"Writing Articles"
"Tips For Article Publishing"
"What It Takes To Write An Article"

See what I mean? These don't pack much "punch", do they?

Your title is just like a classified ad. Look at it this
way. If your article title is crowded on a webpage with 100
others, what will make it jump off the page?

Key #3: Use The AIDA Principle


This universal formula applies to your articles as well.
Once you've enticed your reader to read your article (via a
great title), you need to keep them reading.

The first paragraph of your article is critical. If it's
dull, boring and lifeless, your reader will surely bail
out. You must keep their interest right from the start.

Try using short paragraphs, sentences and words. This will
keep the tempo upbeat and make your article much easier to
read (or skim, as most do online).

Key #4: Create Several Sub-Headings

To better organize your thoughts, divide your article into
sub-headings. At times, writing a 500-700 word article can
seem insurmountable. Sub-headings make things easier.
Instead of tackling the entire article at once, try writing
one paragraph at a time.

Key #5: "Close The Sale" With A Resource Box

One of the worst things you can do is to leave your reader
hanging. They've just read your great article, now what? A
resource box appears at the very end of your article. It's
the last line that your reader sees. It's your chance to
set the next step.

Make sure that your resource box is compelling. Make the
reader jump over to your website, sign up for your ezine,
download your latest ebook, claim their free gift get

Key #6: Poofread Your Work

Did you catch that? It should've read, "Proofread". Nothing
hollers out amateur, newbie, or just plain unprofessional
than an article filled with typos and bad grammar. If you
don't have an English major in the family, hire a
proofreader. Their rates are reasonable and they can save
you from damaging your reputation online.

Key #7 - Promote, promote, promote

Let's make one thing clear. Without key #7, keys 1-6 are a
waste of time. Bottom line, no one will read your article
if you keep it stored on a floppy disk in your desk.

You've got to promote it!

How can you promote your article? There are well over a
hundred article directories, article banks, free content
sites, article announcement lists, and article syndication
services out there. And the best part is... 95% of them are FREE!

Plus, there are thousands of ezines that are looking for
article submissions. Develop a list of ezines in your
target market. Next, e-mail each ezine publisher a copy of
your latest article. There are countless stories of
individuals who have succeeded using this exact same

Wouldn't you like to get your next article picked up by an
ezine with 32,000 subscribers?

Now go on, and get writing!

About the Author

Jason Potash, the creator of EzineAnnouncer software,
makes it easy to put your ezine and article promotion
on auto-pilot. Learn the 7 essential keys to ezine success.
Click below for your free 4-part mini-course: