...the Cow Jumped Over The Moon

"...the Cow Jumped Over The Moon"

© 2002, GL Foltz

123 Target Marketing

Tragically, too many have been led to think that once you place a website on the Net, millions of people will flock to it. You rarely hear it directly in those words, but unfortunately there are those who have said exactly that
and those who have bought it.

The cow didn't really jump over the moon.

But you certainly have been told that there are millions of prospects on the internet (true.) You've read that if you sell someone's ebook you'll get a sales-proven website to use (again, true.) Countless times, you've been shown fabulous MLM compensation charts that demonstrate how much money you'll make selling for them (conditionally true.) That's where most stop and pitch their close.

What they don't tell you is how to effectively attract buyers; OR if they do tell you, they don't show you.

There are reliable, proven ways to attract visitors and turn them into buyers. There are different strategies for sales than there are for free sites, membership sites and product
or service branding. Strategies predict or attempt to predict the outcome.

With a marketing plan and objective you can know what your desired goal is and have a pre-defined, achievable destination mapped out. Tactics are the tools for carrying out your plan and arriving at your objective.

Chart your objective. Do it in writing. Knowing your business and your goals is the first step to marketing success.

Commitment is a vital ingredient to the success of your marketing plan. The mistake made by most budding entrepreneurs is to assume that the internet will bring automatic success.

99-44/100% of the time internet marketing success is purely commitment and 'stick-to-it-tiveness.' See your project through and don't dump your venture (unless you discover some inherent fatal flaw.) Test, test, test.

See your marketing tactics and testing as the fascinating process that it is rather than a drudgery. Almost certainly there will be temporary setbacks but stick to your marketing plan and goals! In simplest terms this is the formula for success.

With that formula, you won't be wandering in the dark singing "Hey Diddle Diddle, The Cat and the Fiddle."

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About the Author

GL Foltz, (11 years in the field of sales and marketing), has helped entrepreneurs succeed in their marketing and advertising goals through online and offline media with creative common sense. He specializes in comprehensive, long term market planning for the affiliate and individual entrepreneurs.