The Greatest Principle Of Human Persuasion

If I could gift to you one piece of knowledge about human engineering that would assure your success in your network marketing endeavors. If I could share with you one principle, which when applied correctly while engaging your suspects, prospect, clients, friends and family, would enable you to win more of them over. If I could pass on to you what I believe to be "the rule", the greatest principle of human persuasion that exists, it would be this....
Before I disclose this great principle of human persuasion to you, you should be aware that you do not need to obtain any additional education, training nor instructions. I must emphasis, if there is any thing worth remembering, it is this...."there is no other principle or rule on human persuasion which is even a close second."
What is this great principle of human persuasion? What is this pre-existing ability which you possess, that can improve your network marketing outcome? Which single principle of human persuasion would I share with you if I could reveal but one?
It is this..."People are persuaded more by the depth of your conviction than by the height of your logic, more by your own enthusiasm than any proof you can offer." Put another way, "people are converted not to your way of thinking, they are persuaded more by your way of feeling, your way of believing."
Your conviction, your enthusiasm, your belief in what you are doing is what sells. Your feelings, your emotions, your honest interest in your product and your prospect is what persuades. Your optimism, your assurances, your hope, when combined with knowledge of what you are doing, enjoyment of what you are doing, and faith that you and yours are the very best, creates an unseen force which can not be resisted.
People are turned on by your feelings, not by what you say. The belief is in you, not in what you are selling. They buy because you ask them to, not because they need your product or service.
Do you understand what is being said here? Do you get it?
Your vigorous enthusiasm, your concentrated knowledge, and your stimulating belief in yourself, in your products, in your service and in what you do, makes you practically hypnotic in persuasive powers. The most persuasive person in the world is that individual who has a fanatical belief in their idea, in their product and in their service.
Study the top money earners and leaders in MLM/NWM and you will find this common denominator, "they all have a burning desire to be the very best at what they are do." Their belief is sincere enough and deep enough that they walk in a climate of positive expectancy. They have an obsession that cannot be denied. This is the ultimate in human persuasion.
So how do I create this persuasive power, you are probably asking yourself? How do I infuse my personality so that I become practically hypnotic? What do I do to develop into the ultimate human persuader? It is very simple.
I am going to quote Will Rogers, because he keeps it simple; "You must know what you are doing." "You must love what you are doing." and "You must believe in what you are doing."
These three directives are the answer. They are all that you need to achieve the success that you want. Study them. Internalize them. Have faith in them. Make them a part of your daily practices.
They can lead you to success.
I hear you saying, "but I work on the internet." How do I apply this to my internet marketing practices?

That my friend is grist for our next communication. The hour is late, I am tired and must rest now. Forget not the words that I have shared with you here. Apply them daily. The answer to you last question will follow shortly.
I hope this helps in your future marketing decisions.

About the Author

David Bell
Advertising research and development center