The Keys to Success on the Web Pulling Traffic

The following is an excerpt from the Special Report titled The Keys to Success on the Web, What Every Business Marketer Should Know.

There are 2 key things website marketers need to know about pulling traffic to their websites.

KEY: All visitors are not equal

You probably already have gotten offers for "10,000 visitors guaranteed for just one low price" from "traffic building systems". If you tried it, then you know that it's unlikely to bring even 1 sale.

If you got 10,000 visitors to your site, you'd make sales, right? Anyone would think at least a FEW people would buy. Why don't these visitors buy?

It's because many times these traffic building systems work like this: a visitor goes to an unrelated website where a browser window automatically pops open, showing your website. That counts as a visit. Yes, a person who was not looking for what you sell. A person who was in the middle of doing something else. So of course they close the irrelevant window.

Spend resources to bring your most likely customers to your website.

KEY: Attract highly targeted visitors

First, define your most likely customers. What other interests and concerns do they have?

Next, figure out where your most likely customers hang out online. Are they looking for your products on search engines? Do they research your products on other websites? What
newsletters do your customers read? What can you do to put your name in front of people when they're ready to buy what you offer?

Once you know where your most likely customers are online, you can work to attract people who want what you offer on your website. You can place ads, get on search engines and place ads on appropriate websites.

About the Author

This article is an excerpt from the Special Report, The Keys to Success on the Web by Internet marketing expert
Raynay Valles. To download the full report, visit or email