Who are the "Last of the Dinosaurs"?
In the early 70's the United States went through a manufacturing "boom". The Vietnam War was coming to an end, the economy was growing stronger, and technology was on its way to being one of the biggest industries.
Along with the advancements, good paying jobs were becoming easier to find.
Wages were steadily rising.
There was the opportunity for good retirement plans
Better health care coverage for employees and their dependents.
Then suddenly in the early 80's, it came to a streaking halt.
Many workers who had thought they had found financial security were in danger of losing all they had worked to achieve.
Some were lucky enough to hang on for the "ride", while others were not so fortunate. The "ride" has been a long one. We have yet to rekindle the "boom" of the 70's.
Today many of the workers who thought they had made it through the hard times, have either been laid off for extended periods of time or lost their jobs completely.
"The Last of the Dinosaurs" are the hardworking men and women who have found themselves searching for new careers at ages when they were planning for retirement.
Searching for new careers has not been an easy task for this group of individuals
1..Their age.
2..They are educated and experienced in their chosen fields.
The "Good News"
Technology has provided an outlet for these displaced workers. The Internet has became their lifeline. Both experienced and inexperienced computer operators have found ways to generate an income.
"How to Make Money Working from Home"
1..Research the Company you are interested in joining.
The bottom line: A Company that is successful will make you successful.
Do they have quality Products and Services?
Do they have a reliable Support System?
Do they provide training material and the tools you need to understand what you are advertising?
2..Avoid being attracted to every Company you encounter
After you become more experienced, you can add other Programs to your business.
3...Buyer Beware
If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, its a duck!!!(not my analogy)
There are too many unscrupulous companies also operating on the Internet. Remember do your homework!!
4...Seek out members of the Company who have been successful. Ask questions, and join their forums.
5...Develop a Business Plan
Take a hard look at your financial situation. Do you have money to invest?. How much? Over what period of time?
In reality to build a successful business of any kind, you will have to invest some monies. Beware of how much and how often a Company wants you to invest money.
In conclusion do your homework!!
"We may be the Last of the Dinosaurs in industry", but through technology we have become the Businesses of the Future.
About the Author
Written by Tina Rideout, successful Work at Home Team Member. For more details visit her at http://earth.prohosting.com/coook/index.htm