The Marketing Person You Think You Aren't

Marketing Person You Think You Aren't

 by: Beth Woodward

Have you thought about starting your own business? Have you started one and are having challenges with marketing, fear of failure, fear of success…I could go on and on. Has the question, Now what? ever entered your mind? If so, I would like to share my story with you. A journey, from corporate to business owner and everything in between.

After working in the corporate field for 25 years, an opportunity presented itself to start my own business, to work out of my home. I found a fulfilling profession in personal and business coaching. I love working with others helping them to achieve a better life for themselves. Although it was my choice to develop my own business, I did not have the marketing experience and desire I needed to build that client base. The truth is, I disliked (kind word) marketing, I didn't want to sell and I knew I didn't have what it takes to achieve this part of my business…or thought I didn't have what it takes. The fact is, if I had a dollar for every time I said, "I'm not a marketing person," I wouldn't have to market my business; I'd be set for life.

I did the typical routine of sending some letters of introduction to my friends and business acquaintances, giving away sample coaching sessions and making a few calls that felt safe. I even put a few ads in the paper. I soon came to the reality that the phone was not going to ring and people were not going to approach me while I was sitting comfortably at my desk. Then a turning point came while I was standing in my office one afternoon. I realized I just wasn't a person that could be an independent business owner - what was I thinking that I could do this? I decided I should quit and go back to an office job. At that moment I heard a voice; it was very clear. "If you quit before you've given it 100% you will be very disappointed in yourself for the rest of your life."

I thought I'd give it one more try. How was I going to do this? I asked myself two basic questions. What did I need and what did I want? The answers I received were simple. I needed movement and I wanted color. At that point that was all I knew. I decided to trust that these answers would forward my direction in marketing and building my business. About one week later I drove past a juggling academy in Burnsville MN. Color, movement - I signed up. I started with a juggling class, networked with friends and business peers and developed a monthly call with other business owners about "manifesting" what you desire. I started looking at me; what made me tick, what energized me and when was I at my best. This became a time period of self-discovery. I had been so tied up in who I thought I wasn't, I had forgotten who I was; a great team player, a great partner, the queen of brainstorming and resource extraordinaire. I thrived from the energy of others to help build my business. I needed diversity to keep things interesting and took a look at what really interested me. What were my strengths and what made me unique? I also looked at what was giving me energy and what was taking my energy. I decided to cut loose a part of my business that was draining rather than energizing. About 2 weeks later "Marketing On The Playground™" was born. I had created the space for what was supposed to come in by releasing what wasn't working.

About 1-½ years have passed since I allowed myself this self-discovery time and gave myself permission to market my business "my way". My business has blossomed into: 1) writing a booklet, "Marketing On The Playground™" 2) developing playshops and teleclasses to help others struggling with marketing their business 3) creating retreats for entrepreneurs that need time to get away and develop their ideas.

Here's the bottom line. Discover what works for you. It should be an extension of your own strengths, passions and uniqueness. You have chosen to be in your own business; that took guts, passion and a desire for making a better life for yourself. Tell me again why you don't think you have what it takes to market your business? If you have passions, interests, the strength, and I do mean strength to step into this world and set your own course, you have what it takes to market your business. Now, it's just a matter of finding what works for you.

What was my secret for overcoming obstacles? "True" belief. Belief so strong that you are willing to stand up and overcome anything and everything that challenges your vision.

A Few Marketing Tips:

  • Give yourself "permission" to follow your own style as an extension of yourself.

  • Network and Market Through Your Strengths, Your Passions and Your Uniqueness.

  • Trust Yourself - You are the only one who has Your own unique talent to market Your business.

  • Look at what's working and what's not - If it's not working do you need to cut it loose?

  • Believe in Yourself, and "Be" Yourself.

Visit to request your free Marketing on the Playground™ booklet. Or e-mail to receive an assessment tool to identify your passions and strengths. Copyright © 2003 Beth Woodward, Pinnacle Coaching Associates