The Monster's Out Of The Cage! - Part 4

See the "Writing" category in GOArticles for Parts 1 & 2

The final step in creating our new money machine is making
it easy for your buyers to order.

I've tried various methods of accepting payment online, but
this article will only cover the ones I'm using now and why
I use them.

My main method of accepting online payment is Paypal. I
know there are some drawbacks, but I like receiving access
to my money immediately.

The old saying that time is money, is a concept you should
burn into your brain.


The only way to pyramid your profits fast and to "strike
while the iron is hot" is to have immediate access to your

If you have to wait two weeks to a month to access your
money you're losing sales. The early stages of your new
ebook or any product for that matter is when you should
be cashing in.

As soon as your expenses are covered you should be plowing
back at least 50 % of your profits into advertising. Mail
order dealers have been doing this for years.

If you want to double your business on an ongoing basis
you have to put 50 % of all profits back into advertising.

Stop advertising and your profits eventually dry up.

By using PayPal I can take my profits and put them back
into advertising the same day they're received. Continue
to do that and your business has to grow.

But all isn't "peaches and cream." Some marketers can't use
Paypal. To handle that contingency I've added a second
payment option through Instabill for buyers who can't use
Paypal or prefer not to.

We have all the bases covered now, right?


Don't forget to add your "snail mail" address. Many buyers
for one reason or another are either leery about giving
out their credit card information, or feel more comfortable
sending a check.

Remember your goal is to make it as easy as possible for
visitors to buy. It's their money and there are plenty of
places they could spend it. So make it easy, don't make
them jump through hoops.

As a final note I would suggest putting your email address
on your sales page. I learned that the hard way.

Luckily many of my buyers already know me, so when the
unforeseen occurs and their order isn't processed they
contact me and ask why.

I can only guess at how many sales were lost from potential
buyers, who didn't know my email address. Rest assured after
I received an email about problems ordering, I put my email
address on that page.

We've covered a lot of ground in these articles. Apply the
ideas presented and "Get In The Game."

If I can do it, I know you can.

Wishing You Success

About the Author

John Colanzi publishes the "Street Smart Marketing" newsletter.
To subscribe
If you want to cash in with your own direct response
web site visit: