I learned about the one hypnotic command that always
works from hypnotists. A good hypnotist will never give a
subject a choice or offer a list of "reasons why you should
fall asleep right now."
Instead, a good hypnotist will simply issue a command,
"When I count to three, you will close your eyes," or,
"When I snap my fingers, you will bark like a dog." The
subject responds because they want to please the
hypnotist and because they don't have much of a choice.
Your prospects are nearly the same. Give them too
many "reasons why you should buy" and you risk boring
them, overwhelming them, or irking them. Give them the
"one hypnotic command that always works" and they
will do your bidding.
Want proof? Okay. Answer me this: Why are you
reading this article?
I'm betting the title for this article promised you
you felt would be worth your reading to get. You want to
know the one hypnotic command that always works so
you can use it to increase sales, get more dates, or in
some way get more of what you want from people. Right?
But note that I didn't have to tell you all those reasons
to read this article. I gave you one sentencethe title
this pieceand you decided to read it based on it alone.
Any further reasons for reading this were supplied by you,
not me.
What you just did was illustrate the very point of this
article. You are reading this for one reason. There may
be subcategorizes to that one reason, but the bottomline
is that you are here, absorbing these words, because
I've promised you one main benefit: The hypnotic command
that always works.
The trend with the best copywriters today is to pile on the
reasons people should buy the product being offered, and
to give an avalanche of testimonials to prove others love
product. There is nothing wrong with this approach to
sales letters that work as long as it ALSO contains the one
hypnotic command that works.
And what I want to suggest here is that the hypnotic command
alonewhen done rightis so powerful that you may not
need that long list of reasons to buy. You could feasibly
a hypnotic headline and follow it with a story and end up
some terrific sales. (Believe me, I've done it!) I know this
be a radical thought, but stick with me.
Just what is this "one hypnotic command that always works"?
It depends on your audience. When I was considering writing
this article, I asked myself, "What is the one thing my
will want to know?" Since I know many of you have read my
two e-books on "Hypnotic Writing," and you consider me a
"Hypnotic Writer," that some deep insights into those
might intrigue you.
I further speculated that if I titled this piece "the ONE"
command that always works, you would subliminally know
there is one very powerful thing to learn here. And of
the "one" in the headline refers to the one thing I am
to get across here. Follow?
Okay, okay. Here's my one point in a nutshell: Know the
one thing your prospects want and tie everything you say to
Let me explain: If you are selling laundry soap, you might
list numerous benefits and features, everything from "smells
good" to "protects colors" to "gets out stains" to "cheaper
the other brands" to "works in cold or hot water" to who
what. But what you want to focus on is the ONE thing that
your laundry soap buyers want the most. Whatever that is,
create your hypnotic command based on it.
In other words, if the one thing laundry soap buyers want
is "allergy free soap," then pack all your hypnotic writing
into one line that says THAT is what they will get from your
soap. Even "Allergy Free Soap Here" would work as a hypnotic
line in that scenario. Anything else you say may be weak and
even annoying compared to telling your prospects the one
they want to hear.
Here's another example: Say you are selling a magic
trick of some sort. You can list everything from "easy" to
"new" to "inexpensive" to "amaze your friends" to "add
it to your collection" to any number of possible selling
But what is the ONE thing your audience of budding
magicians want? Whatever it is, focus on it. That will be
the one hypnotic command that will explode sales. Since
I am a magician, I know "Easily Amaze Your Friends"
would be a great single hypnotic command for the magic
audience. In fact, I know of one magic supplier who uses
the slogan "Working hard to make you amazing." He's on
the right track. He knows magicians want to be amazing,
and he's got a hypnotic command to convey that message.
He'll capture the right audience and get them itching to
buy from that one line alone.
Right about now you should be asking yourself, "But how
do I find out what the one thing is that my prospects want?"
Good question. The answer is to first ask them, and second,
test them. In short, call, email, and visit some people from
audience of prospects. Talk to them. Find out what the one
thing is they want from your business. Too many bad
just trust their hunches on what their audience wants. Don't
do it.
As much as I believe in intuitionafter all, I wrote a
book called
"Spiritual Marketing"the only way to know with any
what your prospects want is to question them.
But even that isn't good enough. After you question them,
test them. Write ads, letters, and email campaigns with your
prospects revealed "one desire" dominate. If you've truly
on the one thing they want, sales will roll in. If you miss,
another "one desire" and see if that pulls better. Again,
you are looking for is the one hypnotic command that will
make your prospects buy buy buy.
Now let me assure you that you might still give a long list
of reasons why people should buy from you, BUT be sure that
long list stems from your key "one hypnotic command." If you
don't use the key command that activates the buying impulse
in your prospects, your long list will be a grab bag of odds
and ends that may confuse people. You need the one command
to grab their attention and maybe even close the deal right
yet you may still need your list of benefits to help
convince them
to buy. Don't dismiss your list. Just don't rely on it.
Finally, how do you write a hypnotic command?
That would take a book to explain. In short, write it the
same way you do a good headline: Short, engaging, relevant
to your audience. Think of what your prospects want and give
them one tight line that suggests you have it for them.
Look at the titles for articles in "Reader's Digest"
for example. They are intriguing, short, and vibrant. Write
"command" the same way. And for motivation to get yourself
to work at writing a hypnotic suggestion, remind yourself
it only takes one good line to make someone buy.
After all, my one hypnotic command got you to read this
article, didn't it?
About the Author
Joe Vitale is recognized by many to be one of the greatest
living copywriters. His latest project, the Hypnotic
Writer's Swipe File is a collection of over 1,550 copywriting gems
that took him years to compile. Click here to learn more.