The Power of Words in Your Life

All thinking people know that every form of outer communication,
including writing, speaking and body language, is crucially

However, this issue deals with a topic far more important.
It is about a little known ''secret.'' You cannot be a
successful communicator without this skill. Once understood,
it can propel you to an unprecedented level of happiness and

As we think in words, the real key to success and happiness
lies within the words you choose for your "self talk."

The implications of this personal dialogue are enormous.


You are the masterthe authorof every single thought,
giving you absolute control over your emotional state.

Imagine for a moment how the power and control you would
have in life if you could actually ''fool'' your subconscious
at any time into the feeling you most desire! This discovery
changed my life. And, if you take it to heart, it will also
change yours.

Once you master the art of positive ''self talk'' it will
no longer be important what happens to you in life. What
counts far more are the words you choose to ''frame'' the
event in your mind.

Most ''self talk'' is extremely negative. Indeed, it's rare
to find a person who is positive most of the time, as I'm
sure you'll agree.

The impact of this negative ''self talk'' will, of course,
severely hamper or sabotage what you achieve in the business

A typical sales message that I create, such as an ad or
sales letter, usually contains at least 1,000 words. Contrast
this with the number of words which go through our minds
during our inner dialogue.

The experts tell us each and every moment the typical human
being uses approximately 1,000 words in their ''self talk.''
Imagine what this can do to your emotional state if the
majority of the words and thoughts are negative.

Certain words can quickly catapult you from poverty to great
wealth. Well-chosen words can persuade, lead, impress or attract
people. However, other words can turn people off, sometimes

I've been thinking recently of examples of what words can
actually do in and to your life.

Here is a short list of them.

Depending on the words you choose, you can:

Criticize or support your mate

Discourage or inspire a child

Be invisible to others or have others eager to talk

with you

Pass judgment or accept a friend

Take for granted or recognize a valued employee

Feel the depths of despair or unlimited joy

Facilitate loneliness or passionate romantic love

Appeal to one's intellect or touch someone's heart

Make an enemy or a friend

Feel blue or joyous on a rainy day

Quit trying or never give up on motivating yourself to


Accept someone’s erroneous judgment or ask for their love

and support

See yourself as a hopeless failure or an outstanding success

Dream small or dream big and achieve either one you choose

Live in poverty or acquire anything you want in life

Feel constantly tired or full of energy

View yourself as a weak, unattractive person or as a handsome

or beautiful, healthy human being, and be absolutely right

either way

Picture yourself helpless and defeated or as a successful

entrepreneur that cannot be denied

Persuade others to go to war or march for peace

In this article and in my books, tapes and live seminars,
I will do all I can to provide you the actual Magic Words and
phrases you need to experience positive results.

Think of these Magic Words as a new language of success.
They are not theory. They have been tested and proven all around
the world. Use them consistently and you are virtually assured
you'll get what you want nearly all the time.

You have an unlimited future. Choose the words you use, especially
with yourself, carefully and wisely.

Remember, it's not as important what happens to you as the words
you use to describe events to yourself. You can be in a mansion
or even confined in a prison and still be happy. You may
remember this poem: ''Two men looked through prison bars.
One saw the night and one saw the stars.''

Again, it depends on what you choose to focus as you ''speak''
to yourself.

Words have the absolute power to control your entire life as
well as to make it meaningful and happy under any circumstances.

Kind regards,

Ted Nicholas

P.S. I/you need to be in a terrific emotional mood before any creative
task such as copywriting. Before I write a word of copy I say to
myself or out loud 20 different positive affirmations I’ve prepared.
If you’d like to have a copy of these for yourself, just send an
e-mail to and a copy will automatically
be sent to you

About the Author

Ted Nicholas is known as the "Entreprenuer's Entrepreneur,"
having founded and sold 23 companies. He is the author of 14 best-selling books, including: "Magic Words That Bring You Riches" and "How To Form Your Own Corporation Without A Lawyer For Under $75.
Go to to subscribe to his free
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