The Right Time to BE Successful in MLM

Recently I was watching one of Bob Proctor's videos from his 'Born
Rich' seminars and was hit with this powerful insight.

In the very last video of the video set Bob walked on stage with an
hourglass and set it on the podium he was standing next to.

He proceeded to explain the concept of the hourglass and how it
dramatically changed his life when he reflected on what was contained
within the 'concept' of this time-keeping object.

I'll explain.

You see, I got my insight the night after I watched the video.

There was something about his simple explanation of the hourglass
concept. And yet when I was watching the video I couldn't quite put my
finger on exactly what it was that was trying to break free into my
conscious mind.

Regardless, I did have the breakthrough and it just about floored me.

You see, when Bob showed us the hourglass, he was actually showing us

Yes, time.

Second by second and then minute by minute the hourglass is a way to
actually SEE time.

Sound weird?

I'll explain more.


You see, the hourglass is just that. An hourglass shaped object,
usually made out of glass and shaped like a cylinder that had a string
tightly pulled across it's midsection as the glass was drying after
being blown into shape. The top and the bottom of the hourglass are
sealed, but only after one of them is mostly filled with a small
grainy material, usually sand.

Hence, 'the sands of time'.

The small midsection is large enough to only allow a couple or a few
grains of sand to fall through the 'opening' at any particular time.

Eventually, when the hourglass has been standing upright for a lengthy
period of time, all of the sand has dropped from the upper half of the
hourglass into the bottom half of the hourglass.

If a person wants to do the dropping of the sand again, they only need
turn the hourglass upside-down and the process starts all over.

Now, let's get to the good stuff.


Picture in your mind the hourglass standing upright. The sand is
dropping into the lower chamber. Grain by grain.


After grain.

After grain.

After grain...

Partial second by partial second by partial second.

A perfect time-piece. Regardless of what is being timed.

The hourglass keeps 'working' as long as there is sand in the upper
chamber and the hourglass is kept upright.

Now, you need to work with me on this time stuff...


Imagine the lower chamber of the hourglass as representing the
'past'. Everything that's fallen into this chamber has done just that.
It's 'fallen'. It's done with it's falling. It's over. Done.



Also, imagine the upper chamber as representing the 'future'. All
that is yet to happen. All that is yet to occur. Not yet here. Not yet
fallen. Not yet gone into the past. Waiting.

The future.

By the nature of the hourglass, all the contents of this chamber will
'have to' fall into the lower chamber. This is a law of nature.


And last, imagine the small squeezed area in the middle of the
hourglass as the 'present'. This is what is occurring NOW. This is the
transition from the 'future' upper chamber to the 'past' lower
chamber. All movement occurs here.

Future turns into past here.

The rate of occurrence at this point in the hourglass shape is set by
the nature of the shape of the hourglass. Only a set number of grains
of sand can fall through this area at any one particular time.

The sands can only fall in one direction. Down. The sand can't be
rushed. Or slowed. The only real activity that is occurring in this
entire structure and object is occurring in this tiny point of space.

The present.


Now, let's move further with this and get into how this insight
can really impact YOUR MLM business...

If you will, continue imagining with me.

Imagine that each grain of sand represents an 'experience' you're
having during your existence on this planet.

Imagine that each grain of sand as it falls through the hourglass
'present-zone' represents a particular point in time along your time
on this planet.

Imagine that all the grains of sand in the upper chamber are
experiences you haven't had yet. And all the grains of sand in the
lower chamber are experiences you've had and they're in your 'past'.
They're done.

Now, let's put YOU in the picture. Where ARE you in the picture?

Where do you belong?

Where do your business efforts belong?

Where should your thoughts belong?

Where should your planning belong?

Where should your prospecting efforts and concentrated business-
building efforts be occurring?

Where, I take that back...WHEN should you be living?

In the upper chamber?

The lower one?

The 'present-zone' in the middle?

Would you like to know the answer to these questions in relation to
how the vast majority of people live their lives? It's simple.

The vast majority of people on this planet EXIST in the 'present',
THINKING about the 'past, and HOPING for a good 'future'.

I ask you...

Does this describe you?

Do you spend the vast majority of your time as you attempt to build
your MLM business thinking about how it won't work 'because it didn't
work before'? And how you have the grain of sand in the lower chamber
to prove it? Or the fifty grains of sand?

Do you think that all you have to do is wait until that magic grain of
sand comes rushing from the future and through your 'present' time and
unloads all its riches into your life?

Most people do that.

And then they die after that last grain of sand drops.

Are you waiting for that magic MLM 'heavy-hitter' to enter your

Are you sitting back and waiting for your present MLM business to grow
itself without you really ever lifting a finger to MAKE it happen? To
get it in gear?

Are you wasting your ever-so-precious 'present' time? The only TRUE
time that you have thinking about the past grains of sand that you let
'slip by'?

There they are, down there. You can see them in your memories and yet
you can't change a law of nature.

They're in that lower chamber to stay.

You can't get them back.

They've fallen.

Their time came and went and you didn't do anything about it.

How many MLM prospects did you let slip by that past present moment?

How many business-building opportunities?

How many times did you let a moment to reach out to that prospect slip
by into the never-to-be-seen-again lower chamber?

And then do you know what you do to make it worse?... Like most of the
rest of the world?

You take that memory of that past missed opportunity, of that regret,
of that one that got by, and you imprint it on all the grains of sand
in the upper chamber of your hourglass 'future' zone.

How do you do this?... With your memories of the past.

With your thoughts.

In your mind.

And so what happens then?...

...You're destined to repeat those missed chances, those regrets,
those gone-by prospects again. A never-ending cycle.

As long as a person keeps bringing absolutely unchangeable past events
into the present, through thought - consciously or sub-consciously,
these events are going to be repeated again at some-time in the

It's a law of nature. And it's a never-ending cycle that can be hard
to get out of.

Think about it.

How many times have you heard from the big MLM heavy's what they had
to go through before they finally 'made it'? They had to experience so
many failures, most people would have quit long ago, but they didn't.

Read Richard Poe's classic 'Wave 3' book and you'll see tons of
examples of this.

So how does this all relate to you?...


How many past 'failures' have you had that you're afraid will repeat
themselves AGAIN?

How much money did you loss in that last 'deal' or deals and you're
afraid that your next one or the one you just started will do the same
thing again? And so you approach your present business-op totally
cautiously and ever so-slowly?

How much success do you think THAT will breed? I'd guess not much.

Or none.

How about being afraid of ANY aspect of your MLM business because of
what 'happened before'?

"That person rejected me."

"My family laughed at me."

"My spouse says this pyramid stuff is nothing but a scam."

"I lost a bunch of green in that last ad co-op so maybe I shouldn't do
that again."

"I went out and talked to tons of people and all I got were "no's", so
maybe I should rethink this stuff."

"Maybe there's another deal out there that's better then this one, so
maybe I should just wait and hold out until I find it."

Think about it. Get analytical and into your head. How much of your
PAST experiences are you bringing into your PRESENT deal?

I'm not just talking the bad stuff here. I'm also talking about the
good stuff. But, if you're relatively fresh to MLM, you don't have
many, if any, good experiences yet. Just 'bad' ones. Right?

Moving on...


Okay, let's just get to the bottom line of this insight of

All you have right now is NOW. Basic? Not rocket science? Simple?


But how many people actually are living in the present?

How are YOU approaching your new MLM business?

Are you living in the present?

Are you seeing your present deal or that deal you're considering with
a totally clean slate in that wonderful mind of yours?

Are you seeing all of those prospects as for what they are? Potential
heavy's who just might help you get what you want if you first give
them what they need?

Are you leaving the past TOTALLY behind you? Not just in your MLM
business, but in your life in general?

You see, when you're letting the past into the present it creates a
future filled with fear.

And doubt.

And hesitation.

And procrastination.

And regrets.

And failures.

Don't do that to yourself.

You got into this MLM stuff so that you could get what you wanted from
your existence on this planet. You didn't join to make pennies. You
joined to MAKE your dream. Whatever it is.

If that isn't happening for you right now, then the probable culprit
is what you're doing unconsciously.

You're figuratively reaching down into and scooping out all of those
sands of times from that lower chamber (or the recesses of your sub-
conscious mind), and then placing them into that upper 'future'
chamber. Eventually, they will AGAIN become your 'present' time
through repeated thoughts of lack and poverty and inaction in your
physical world.

Don't do that to yourself.

Find out how to escape from this dreaded cycle of mediocrity and
create your present as you want it to be.

...Not how those voices from the past tell you to make it.

Or how those fears from the future, which hasn't happened yet are
'directing' you to build your business.

Stay in the 'present'. It's all you've got.

Work on yourself. Work on yourself. WORK on your-SELF.

Work on your mind.

Like you've heard probably from many sources...

Work on your mind...

Change your thoughts.

Change your mind.

Change your feelings.

Change your actions.

Change your habits.

Change your results.

Then you'll get what you want.

So, DO it.

Make the most of your 'present'. Forget the past. Stop worrying about
the future...

...And just BE.

Find out who you need to be BEING to be successful in your MLM

Do this and you will succeed. IN all your present moments.

Your relationships.

Your J.O.B.

Your plans.

Your goals.

Your dreams.

And... your MLM business.

About the Author

Andre Best is the owner of - a generic
MLM resource site offering over 400 printed pages of unique
information for struggling and beginning MLM/network marketers.

(Author's permission is granted to share this full article with others.)