Searchengine that is a word.. simple word but it has dangerous
secrets for the best traffic today for any serious business on the
Searchengine plays nowadays the important promotion for any business.
high positioning needs careful planning prior to submission of
a website to an engine.
If we look carfully today what do everyone to find any info..
easly.. he will goes immediadtaly to any great searchengine and
search what he needs..
Try to understand your typical customer!!!
Specify your niche as much as possible. Place yourself in a visitor's
position. Find out what they are looking for..
When we know that one success to list his website in searchengine
and achieve high results and other fail in it..
what the secrets...Its keywords..keywords..keywords..
When you're done, find words or phrases that they will probably
use to find what they want. These are keywords.
Now I will tell you a great secret for your business to list it
in searchengine..
when you put your keywords list or phrases..chosse your favorite engine
like google or altavista and write your first phrase..look
what the result.. look the first 10 websites
View every source code of top sites you find. Add keywords that
aren't on your list. Come up with some others.
Expand Keyword List
Go to , Download WordWeb,
a little Thesaurus/Dictionary. Type the keywords and add synonyms.
Now visit Download Keyword Extractor.
Submission Time!
Now your page has a fair chance of relative high ranking.
Review Bruce Clay. Follow his submission instructions
visit this site which arrange and review your keywords and phrases
With the best wishes for all...
About the Author
Article by Eiffel internet service...super affilaite