Tips Booklets - Choosing Your Best Topic

There are TONS of things you find interesting in your life. You could write an informational tips booklet about any one of them to help other people learn what you know, and make some money from the booklets in the process. Where is the place for you to start?

First, give thought to whether you want your booklet to have a two-fold
function as a marketing piece for a current business you own and also an
income stream unto itself. That will narrow your choices somewhat. Choosing
a topic that has nothing at all to do with your business means your marketing efforts will be split between marketing your business and marketing the booklet. Why not align them so they cross market each other? You may have a passion about something that has nothing to do with your business. If that passion is so strong that you just have to do it, then you already know your answer. Otherwise, select a topic related to your business activities.

Now that you have narrowed it to something connected to your business,
consider whether the booklet needs to be an overview of the topic you are
promoting, or if it needs to focus on one specific aspect of something you
know is your big seller or greatest profit service or product of your
business. Starting with an overview booklet and spinning out more
specialized booklets later is something that will provide good opportunities for re-sales to the people who bought your first booklet, opportunities for you to stay in front of those same clients. They could become buyers of larger quantities, larger services or become ongoing customers of a very consistent volume of what you have.

A public speaker could do a booklet mirroring each of the topics on which
they speak. A consultant can focus on each of the areas within their
specialty. A manufacturer would be likely to create a booklet on the uses
and benefits of specific product lines. A therapist could consider doing
one on coping mechanisms for different syndromes.

You may find yourself wandering in your thoughts as you begin the first
booklet. It just might be that you are writing two booklets at once. Keep
yourself to writing no more than two booklets at a time to assure completing them. Once those are done, start the next two! Or, you could realize that one 16-page booklet accomplished all that you wanted it to,once you identified your most appropriate starting place.

The next challenge will be what to do with the booklet once you have
written and produced. There are untold ways to promote your booklet. For
more information on how to write and market booklets, contact Tips Products
Intenational at or 858-481-0890.

About the Author

Paulette Ensign has written and sold over 500,000 copies of her own tips
booklet, Tips Products International about products and services to support your booklet success. Tips Products International
12675 Camino Mira Del Mar #179 San Diego, CA 92130
voice: 858-481-0890 fax 858-793-0880
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