If you look at most of the tutorials for poster printing and design to date you will see a lot of the same suggestions plus a sprinkling of new and innovative ideas. However, it is really hard to get the whole picture on poster printing in just one location these days. Most tips are spread out and it is hard to remember what is really important and what is okay to ignore.
That is why in this article we will give you the top 10 most useful poster tips of all time for most poster designers. Hopefully this compiled list should give you all the important information that you need from designing your posters to dealing with your poster printer. So put your learning cap on and start absorbing all this poster printing knowledge.
1. Print in color. Here is one of the most important and standard tips that you will here for poster printing. You should now always print in full color. You might think you will be saving money when you print old style black inked posters, but you will be sacrificing a lot in terms of impact and appeal.
Hardly anyone really notices black and white posters these days, and those that are noticed require a really wild content concept. So you are better off really printing color posters since almost any kind of color poster can get a decent audience to notice it. It has more feeling and impact on people.
2. Print online. While traditional poster printers are still great, the most convenient way to print posters now is through an online printing company. These online printing services not only offer a convenient way of ordering your prints, but they are also open all the time and they print your color posters as quickly as possible. They even deliver your color posters once printed to any place that you want so you do not have to go out and pick up the color posters yourself. It is the most convenient modern way of printing today, and it is highly recommended for anyone.
3. Print in bulk. Of course, a great tip for any kind of printing is to always try to print things in bulk. When it comes to posters, do not be stingy with your numbers. Always try to print as much as you can for your planned deployment with a little extra. The more you print color posters, the cheaper it is for most printing companies to print them. So you always get bulk discounts. That is why it is good to always print in bulk when it comes to poster printing.
4. Use good paper. Your color posters will always be exposed to a myriad of physical assaults from moisture, dirt, scratches etc. So as a general rule, it is always best to use good paper materials to make your color posters durable. The thicker or heavier the paper is, the better your color posters should be. You might also want to invest in special material coatings that make your posters more water and dirt resistant. Ask your poster printer what options you have in this department.
5. Use good inks. There is more than just one type of ink. There are powder inks, water resistant inks, glossy inks and special metallic inks. You should always use the best inks for your color posters. Standard four color inks for full color poster printing is a nice place to start. If you want impressive color posters however, I would suggest you go for the glossy ones. Use metallic inks only if you have special design elements that need such attention grabbing properties.
6. Use poster templates. Poster templates are a designer